Tell My Friend Or No?

What do you do? You tell him to do it right. If he refuses. stop hunting with him.

Collect all the trash be throws and put it under his pillow :occasion14:

I would have to find a new hunting partner. People like him ruin it for all of us.

ask him if he like to find same things again ? (if you come back to the same area) unless he has alzheimers ? then he'd be like ? oh look what i found.

What he is doing is just as bad as the person who threw it down in the first place. I think a normal person would know the difference.

Pick it up or Good Bye Earl!

If he is doing this at a site for which you have permission, then explain that he has to change his ways if he wants to be invited back.

Few suggestions, first tell him to join this forum, once he sees the quality of the people who enjoy this hobby and how even the best hunters follow the COE and hear how his actions truly impact the hobby he could change his ways (peer pressure), second tell him that what he is doing is BS!

Jason in Enid has it right! :occasion14:

He doesn't get it and he'll never get it...


Speak your mind, that’s your conscience telling you right from wrong.

Sounds like the guy that if he hunted by himself would not fill his plug hole. That's a killer to the rest of us if true. Talk to your buddy. Now.

Wow....I would run, not walk away from that hunting partner. How embarrasing!

send him this post

have him read this

Tossing trash is what looks bad for all of us what he does with the treasure his choice but educate him some

Im sure he will take it to heart I would hope

Ask him if he were detecting in his Momma's yard, or his own, would he be tossing that trash back on the ground? And if you already know the answer to that is "yes", then friend or not, find another hunting buddy. And make it known why.

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