Tell me what this is!


Aug 14, 2014
Lost City
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello everyone, well this is what I dug up.I was hoping you guys can give me a little information about it. Hope you can see the photos. IMG_20170113_231034891.jpg

Upvote 1
It is a rock. Glad I could help.

Wow!!! A little harsh don't ya think. You sure are going to get any help that way. You don't really state what you are looking for. If you know its a rock then what's the question? What type? Did it set off the detector? You have no size ref. etc............

I asked for information. The answer it's a rock was an answer I would expect from 1st graders .

Look at your own picture and see what we see. No size reference, no idea where it came from, not a clear picture of anything but a piece of white quartz possibly. What do you see in it that we don't?

This is a family friendly forum and your language is totally uncalled for. If you really feel you have found something, you should explain what you see in it that we can't.

I bet if you try a geologist forum you would get basically the same answers. We have absolutely nothing to go on except a poor picture. Your post TELL ME WHAT THIS IS says it all. What else are we supposed to tell you besides it is a rock?

Is it magnetic? Is it bigger than a bread box? Did you find it in a state loaded with diamonds? Did it set off your metal detector? What do you see that makes you think it is special? Your picture doesn't show a thing that most of us can see.

We are METAL DETECTORISTS mostly. Most of us have absolutely no idea what we are looking at

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Just need some better pics its hard to make out!!!!

I asked a geologist . The same question. The answer I received from them was not a rock. Just saying ! I wanted to compare the answers but I guess that is too complicated .

I asked for information. Which means what can u tell me about what's in the pic. Do you not understand that. One would only guess that picture information cards weren't explained when one was in school. I'm sorry about that .

If you asked a geologist, what did he say it is? To me and everyone else it looks like a rock. Possibly quartz. I see rocks like that look similar to that in peoples gardens and yards.

I asked a geologist . The same question. The answer I received from them was not a rock. Just saying ! I wanted to compare the answers but I guess that is too complicated .

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I asked for information. Which means what can u tell me about what's in the pic. Do you not understand that. One would only guess that picture information cards weren't explained when one was in school. I'm sorry about that .

And we gave that to you. If I saw a picture information card with that on it, I would say it is a ROCK and so would probably 99% of the folks on here. I asked a bunch of questions and they were all ignored. I am done here. Good luck in your quest for answers. You asked a geologist and he tells you an answer and you come here to compare answers? Now that is funny right there!!

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First your generic "what is this" accompanied by a simple ONE picture... with NO description... NO information regarding WHERE you found it...

With NO information at all other than a picture of a rock.


I mean really ... you set yourself up for these replies.

But then... you get offended when someone simply replies to a obviously to EVERYONE BUT YOU thread that was posted WITHOUT reading THE POSTING GUIDELINES for the "what is it" forum.

You really are from the "Lost city" aren't you.

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I like the title says it all. It demands. It does not ask. It demands with an explanation point no less.

Good luck with your search for comparison answers.

Posts deleted, renazee please remember and post by our rules, we are a family friendly forum. Anytime someone post item asking help on what something is we need more than a poor picture, we need as much info as you have on it, size, weight where found and so on, not just a "what is it".

November 20, 2017 A New Beginning!

Posts deleted, renazee please remember and post by our rules, we are a family friendly forum. Anytime someone post item asking help on what something is we need more than a poor picture, we need as much info as you have on it, size, weight where found and so on, not just a "what is it".

November 20, 2017 A New Beginning!

Treasure_Hunter, a question. What happens November 20, 2017?? LOL I even Googled it and no clue. Inquiring minds want to know!! Does it have something to do with nuclear war?


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