Tap my batteries together...


Hero Member
Mar 30, 2005
Theres no place like home....theres no place like home.....After finding the skull thing last night and being plumb tuckerd, I decided not to go out to the old lawnmower house, I just planned on sittin down fer the evening and watching the tube. Anyways it was about 8:00 and I just had this urge...I couldnt take it anymore I HAD TO GO DETECT!!!!!! Even it its just for a few minutes lol. So I went out to the front yard, kinda streched the properrty line(if ya know what I mean) It was all still legal and all. But anyways ill be dogone if I didnt dig up 3 more wheats!!! It now brings the grand total of wheats from my yard to 37!!! I thought id never find another one here again let alone 3. They are nothing spectacular but they are mine, if I could just find the 1922 edition, then id be set!!! After seeing some of the prices on a couple wheats they dont seem half bad lol. All have a good weekend .."dont stick no beans up yer nose"! Good luck on your next hunt!!!!! :)


  • 3wheats.jpg
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Yeah, what Badger said.

Oh, and the beans up your nose thing, too. :)

Those are some awesome quotes!

Great finds.... :D So...... when are ya changing your name??? I like "Haveufoundyourwheatie2day" or "wheatmiester" ..... ;D


Nana ;)

LOL "wheatmiester" thats not to shabie! I was thinking of wheatie but now with wheatmiester...ill have to think about it lol. I think ill make my decision when I do the charter member thing, I dont know. Thanks for the idea. :D And Badger that was a funny little quote you had there lol :D

Great Job Mystro the 1922 edition would defnitely be sweet.

Keep up the great work. Good Luck



Very Nice finds Mystro............keep it up buddy ............H.H.

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