*T*H*A*N*K* *Y*O*U*!!!!!!!!!


Bronze Member
Jan 25, 2014
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Golden Thread
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I was feeling real sorry for myself today. My kids were driving me batty and no one was listening. I decided to treat myself to some computer time, and read an older thread (My.Best.Find.Ever.)

OK, y'all are going to have me committed when I tell you this ... but suddenly, I realized that there is gold out there and it was just waiting for me! So I called one Good Will, no jars. I call a second, one jar, $40. (Maybe good, maybe not.) Call the third Good Will -- no jars, but they are working on them.

Hit the second one with the single jar. There was one sterling ring in it, but the rest of it looked like junk. I passed on it. Took forever to get to the 3rd Good Will. (I did make a planned stop. Seems like everyone decided to start the weekend early.)

I HIT THE JACKPOT! They were putting the jars out as I got there!!!! So yeah, the first jar I see right away has a gold necklace and an earring. Pull out the magnet, nope; not magnetic. Second jar, same story. One or two things I know are good. I waited forever on line. Meanwhile, the girl said, OH yeah, I do have some gold. A gold bracelet and necklace for $95 (with my 20% off coupon). Weighs over 9 grams. (I was so sure there was gold I brought the scale in with me.)

So I go through my jars. I keep pulling out bracelet after bracelet after necklace ... 14K!!! I have 29 grams in 14K gold (not including the pieces I got separate) and 66.5 grams of silver. Plus --- A PAIR OF SIGNED WEISS EARRINGS! And other vintage stuff. I have two egg cartons over flowing with earrings. They can be sold at consignment shops.

THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!!!! It was reading the thread that made me want to go out.

pictures as soon as my phone has enough juice to upload.

Well! That makes for an Awsome day! How nice to have jars at goodwill! Ours has over priceds junk at ours, although there was a sterling coaster with glass the other day for $1.99. But that is it! Do you live in a smaller town? That is the only place I have ever seen jewelry in goodwill! Again nice score! And have a happy forth!

Around here there is a little jewelry at the GW's but NEVER anything good. Much less any jar fulls. Congrats on the jewelry scores.

I live in a city. This particular Good Will had a manager who knew what she was doing, and she pulled all the gold out. Well, all the marked gold. She got a promotion a few weeks ago, and now she is at the one closest to my house. (boo.) She misses anything not marked (like $170 of gold in a locket she thought was costume). Anyhoo. So they let one of the cashiers do the jars yesterday. I was laughing and blessing them for this gift.

I don't know why, but most of our Good Wills all have good stuff, both in the jars and for sale. The necklace and bracelet were almost 10 grams for $95.
2014-07-04 02.15.03.webp 2014-07-04 02.15.20.webp

Weiss earrings and the necklace from hell ... it was so tangled when I pulled it out of the jar I thought it was earrings.
2014-07-04 02.15.57.webp2014-07-04 02.17.37.webp

gold and jade? earrings
2014-07-04 02.19.05.webp

two heavier gold bracelets and misc. earrings:
2014-07-03 22.00.09.webp 2014-07-04 02.20.37.webp

The gold weights (not including the above separate purchase) (I found the second batch after I weighed the first):
2014-07-03 21.55.11.webp 2014-07-03 23.41.12.webp

I'm keeping this necklace. It's silver and I believe AB crystals:
2014-07-04 02.21.30.webp

misc silver pieces:
2014-07-04 02.21.46.webp2014-07-04 02.22.25.webp2014-07-04 02.23.52.webp

Sadly, I really and truly promised my husband that I would not buy another jar until I sell enough to pay off the credit card bill. :-(

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