Super old site not dead yet...


Sr. Member
Mar 10, 2006
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I've been pounding this site for a couple of years...last few trips not a single hunk of metal. But it was FINALLY a nice sunny day so hit it one more time.

Heavy rains and long hard winter musta done something to it...I was starting to look around to see if I was in the same spot...getting one strong hit after another, in a place where I'd chased every ghost signal to death. This is a very small area, not more than 50 feet long of pure OLD dirt. Nothing from this section of ground has ever been dated later than 1876.

First hole flipped over the plug and saw a round object...real cause to get excited cause it's GOING to be old. Mega crusty 1874 injun...sweet. A little bit later, another round object in the plug...just not possible, but there it was, 1868 sheild, and not in bad shape either.

Now the coins here get pretty crusty and kick target ID all over the place, so you dig everything, not hard to see how a couple of coins slipped by...but how on earth did I miss the POCKET WATCH???? I was truely stumped to see that come out of the ground today.

Got other stuff too, old bullets, part of a pocket knife, a boot heel and a few hunks of mystery metal. Now I'm wondering what the winter has done to some of my other worked over super sites...hmmmm...


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WoW - nice :)


Great hunt. It pays to check out those old sites many times. You just never know what the winter frost heave will bring to the surface year after year. Nice finds. :thumbsup:

Very nice finds. It sure is a total surprise to find something that big when you have searched an area to death. I have done it before too, lol... Back in the 70's I found a walking liberty half right in the middle of a school yard at about 4 inches deep. My whole family had worked that yard to death and we were all scratching out heads wondering how we missed it and I was grinning like a big possum. Congrats on the goodies!


This site has produced 3 seated Q's, a half dime, a dozen of old injuns, 4 sheilds, 3 two-centers and a dozen foreign coins all dated between 1852 and 1876...yup, that's the sort of site to keep checkin' :-)

it just goes to show that you can never cover the ground as thoroughly as you think you are. in reality we are probably only covering a small fraction of the area. even when we think we are being thorough. congrats on some great finds!

Very cool coins! :thumbsup:

Sometimes it's scary when you find things at a place you think you've
hunted out. . . just a slight change of overlap, direction or coil angle can mean a lot.

Take care!

Awww.... I just drooled on my keyboard! :)

NICE digs!!!!!

watercolor said:
Very cool coins! :thumbsup:

Sometimes it's scary when you find things at a place you think you've
hunted out. . . just a slight change of overlap, direction or coil angle can mean a lot.

Take care!

OK, I don't like giving out site details, but I will say this much...this site is not flat or level and that makes a huge difference. Yes, sweeping from a different angle always makes a difference, but that is VERY true when the site isn't even close to being flat. Metal objects move very strangely with topography here and it's not unlikely I'll find even more in the future...maybe next time I'll sweep the whole thing standing on my head...counldn't hurt...

great finds!!!

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