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The tides have been awesome and I had a window of opportunity to check out the low tide for a few hours. Took the XP Deus and could not believe how much better it worked in wet beach mode compared to my old reliable Mine-lab Sovereign. Targets after after target, mainly just flat buttons and some bale seals and of course probably around 2 pounds of lead sinkers. Plenty of small items that I am unsure about but nothing worth taking photos of. However, I slowed down and did some surface collecting, mainly some old pieces of pottery and one complete bottle with some nice color but nothing on it. I noticed a piece of old black glass and next to it this beauty stuck out like a sore thumb. Not sure of the material it is made of but it doesn't seem like it was that easy to work with and it stuck out like a sore thumb . I sent the photos to a couple friends and was told it was a native American artifact but that is all they could tell me. It is ~ 2.5" in length. If you have any ideas of what type of piece this is or what it is made of please let me know. Thanks again