Study: Americans Migrating To Free Red States And From Less-Free Liberal States


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Americans are known to cherish their freedom and a recent study published Thursday by the George Mason University’s Mercatus Center, titled “Freedom in the 50 States,” shows Americans are migrating more towards free Republicans states and away from less-free liberal states.
Via IBD:
Americans are migrating from less-free liberal states to more-free
conservative states, where they are doing better economically, according
to a new study published Thursday by the George Mason University’s
Mercatus Center.
The “Freedom in the 50 States” study measured economic and personal
freedom using a wide range of criteria, including tax rates, government
spending and debt, regulatory burdens, and state laws covering land use,
union organizing, gun control, education choice and more.
It found that the freest states tended to be conservative “red” states, while the least free were liberal “blue” states.
The freest state overall, the researchers concluded,
was North Dakota, followed by South Dakota, Tennessee, New Hampshire
and Oklahoma. The least free state by far was New York, followed by
California, New Jersey, Hawaii and Rhode Island.
Furthermore the “Freedom in the 50 States study finds states with more freedom see
stronger income growth, particularly in states with more
regulatory freedom.
More from IBD:
IBD has previously reported
that red states saw stronger job growth, lower unemployment and bigger
gains in per capita income than blue states, during the economic
The data also show that blue states have generally become less free
over the past decade, while red states have tended to gain additional
levels of freedom. The states with the biggest declines in freedom were
Wyoming, Illinois, New Jersey, New York and Kansas. Those with the
biggest gains were Oklahoma, North Dakota, Idaho, Utah and New Mexico.
And contrary to conventional wisdom, the researchers found that
conservative states are just as likely as liberal ones to score well on
measures of personal freedom, which looked at laws covering marijuana
use, gambling, marriage rights, alcohol and tobacco use, gun control,
victimless crimes and the like.
“Personal freedom does not relate straightforwardly to the left-right spectrum at all,” the study noted.

The bottom line is conservative run states, with more conservative policies, promote economic growth, stronger job growth, lower unemployment and more pro-business policies create more opportunities and more growth, population wise as well as economic.

It is a cycle, states friendly to business promote expansion, expansion brings more jobs, more people working put more money in their pockets to spend in the local economy.

Why is the concept so hard for Barack Obama and liberals to understand?

2013-03-28 13:16:07

Covered at Reason 24/7: Americans Migrate to Conservative States - Hit & Run :

Americans Migrating To More Free GOP States With Better Income Growth -


As you previously posted, the great state of VT. is now rated as a top liberal state,( although our politicans call it progressive?), I would be more than happy to move to a redder state, but every time I turn around my taxes go up, and my income down, I just can't. It's simply get up and go back to work, you can only give so much!

My wife and I went to Hawaii for our honeymoon, and went back many years on our anniversary. We have discussed where we would like to retire to and decided Hawaii is not in the top 50, and we no longer go there. I miss it a lot, but it is too dependent for me.

There are mostly 3 types of people there; rich libs, poor Hawaiians and liberal politicians and wannabes.

We have a hard time seeing what they vote for themselves. The Hawaiians are so strong, and independent! But they have been brainwashed! And now there is a weird push to get independence from the US. I guess because the left tells them the same lie over and over that without Government they are doomed.


As you previously posted, the great state of VT. is now rated as a top liberal state,( although our politicans call it progressive?), I would be more than happy to move to a redder state, but every time I turn around my taxes go up, and my income down, I just can't. It's simply get up and go back to work, you can only give so much!

Same here guy State tax's are not bad in fact we have a surplus (Walker a Rep.) It's this dam Dem. run city close to 7k on real estate tx. funny thing with the water bill I used 43.00 worth of water and the bill comes to 150 to 175 every 3 months And we live next to lake Michigan. In the winter we pay extra for garbage pick up street lighting and snow plowing. Then the goof mayor cut police and fire protection. Then the rules.. can't park R.V on the driveway and the duelie can't either.
My problem I'll blame it my son...grand daughter:laughing7:

Great article / topic. I would live to overlay this with a tax map and see if these are also the most fiscally responsible states? And or the ones with the lowest tax rate on retirees income etc. If NF is out there he might have some insight as I think he is a financial planner? Could also be retirees moving to states with the lowest cost of living? that would mean people leaving new england and CA? There is no doubt that the aging baby boomers will cause significant shifts.

I can only say, I feel your pain. I live on the shore of Lake Champlain, One of the best Lakes in the country, and due to that, upon by latest appraisal, they didn't care that the siding on the house wasn't finished, but liked my view, and up went the appraisal........, and now the law is being argued that all waterfront fall under state jurisdiction, and be open? I want to see them try to raise my taxes then!

Hopefully I will soon be joining in the exodus.

Yeah Treasure_Hunter - It's called Common Sense, My State, Minnesota has become brutally Liberal and I for one can not wait to get out!!!!!:occasion14:

If we could really get the producers away from the takers it would show a glaring problem. Not always easy to do though, family, history, fear of unknown. Would be nice, but even the feds want to make all states suffer, so that you can't run to freedom.

Yeah Treasure_Hunter - It's called Common Sense, My State, Minnesota has become brutally Liberal and I for one can not wait to get out!!!!!:occasion14:

That is a shame. I use to live in Mankato in 1974-1975 and again 1977-1978....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Yeah Treasure_Hunter - It's called Common Sense, My State, Minnesota has become brutally Liberal and I for one can not wait to get out!!!!!

Dont move to Mass.You'll be going from the frying pan into the fire.:laughing7:

I grew up in Minnesota and moved to Iowa 5 years ago because of the liberal politics that have taken over the state. Iowa isn't to bad, low taxes for the most part and cheap housing and property. We do have a 7 percent sales tax but that is about average.

I grew up in Minnesota and moved to Iowa 5 years ago because of the liberal politics that have taken over the state. Iowa isn't to bad, low taxes for the most part and cheap housing and property. We do have a 7 percent sales tax but that is about average.

I lived in Ft Dodge Ia for several years as well...

Love your avitar...

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