Stone Tool


Full Member
Feb 8, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hey y’all! Just found this oddly symmetrical hard stone on a recently logged piece of land. The stone has 6 sides that appear to have been ground down in order to make them fairly flat. One side appears to show some type of use. Any ideas? I didn’t find any other stones of similar material anywhere near this one and it just looks too symmetrical to be natural. Thanks in advance!






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Could be...could be just an odd looking rock.
Are you finding anything else indicating presence of ancient man?

I see most people here rely upon obvious evidence of modification. I.E. flake marks, grind marks, recognized shape, ect. Otherwise it's just a rock that caught someone's imagination.

Much less relied upon is the context in which it was found.

Remember nature is made entirely of geometrical shapes.
Could it be an old worn down pedestal?

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This site has yielded several points, countless flint flakes, and several pottery sherds. Multiple flint flakes were within several feet of where the stone was laying

Here is a pic of the smooth side and a couple of pics of the “used” side. The damage is isolated to one corner of stone and is dimpled.




It doesn't look as if it has used as a mano,don't see any use wear. Not sure maybe just a rock

I know that kind of stone. (Doesn't appear to be a quartzite cobble). There are outcrops of that stone in many places in piedmont NC that was quarried and used for many purposes by NAs. Pretty certain that you have some kind of tool. Just my opinion though. But I've seen it all my life.

The biggest thing for me is the fact that this stone is the only one of its kind that I found after covering 50+ acres of land. Having done extensive research regarding the area’s geology, It also doesn’t fit into the geological makeup of the area.

The smooth side appears to be stippled. Thought it is sort of shaped like a grinding stone. Does it feel smooth? Maybe it was used to bash something? Hammer stone?

The stone is quite smooth on all sides, except for the damaged area of course.

Better shut that logging project down!! Sounds like the skidder went right through a sensitive area!!

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