Spanish Galleon "San Jorge"


Sr. Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dominican Republic
Spanish Galleon "San Jorge"

Hello all treasure hunting fellows,

You were of great help when I was asking you some information about the lost treasure fleet of sixteen Spanish galleons in 1643. Now I will bother you with other question :

What can you tell me about the wreck of the Spanish galleon "San Jorge"?
There were various of "San Jorge" treasure galleons scattered all over the Caribbean as I know. My interest is in small fleet of three galleons that after completing their cargo they left Honduras for Spain. It was in 1563. Thery were galleons "Santa Catalina", "Santa Maria de Guadaloupe" and "San Jorge", all of them loaded with gold, silver coins, stolen jewelry from Inca and Maya empire, esmeralds from Colombian mines and so on. During the big storm that lasted several days they finally crashed into coral reefs on the northern coast of the island of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). Only the galleon "Santa Maria" was salvaged according to Sevilla Archive. Other two galleons slipped from the reef to the depth of 100 feet which was out of reach of local skin divers. According to the cargo manifest there were 300.000 pieces of 8 real on the board of "San Jose" among other treasures. Years went on and now nobody remember the exact place where these two galleons went down. (of course) The spot is not described in Sevilla Archive in any particular details.

Thanks for help, guys!


Re: Spanish Galleon "San Jorge"

Hello Chagy,

Galleons of this fleet loaded first in Latin America harbors and then they sailed to complete the cargo to other ports before final set sail for Spain. That was the resason why you could find emeralds from Colombia on the board of galeons that sailed from Honduras. For example, quite lot of galleons before time to make convoys twice a year, after leaving Veracruz came to Santo Domingo then to Montecristi or to Plata Puerto to complete their cargo for tobaco, timber or gold from this island.



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