New to forums, please forgive my azzbackwardness, that's just how I roll. I was on another forum, but can't stand the wait getting approved. Some years ago I found this object in Utah. I'm trying to get opinions on whether it could possibly be Spanish. I think it's a concho or rosette. It doesn't look like anything old Caleb Rhoades would attach to his horse, it seems pretty girly to me. Its quite intricate, and under a magnifier you can tell it's hand etched. The circle lines around it are actually tiny squares, or rope pattern. The most interesting part is that tonight, I scraped off the muck a bit more, and it's quite light golden in color. I thought it was brass, but then I ran it over an unpainted ceramic surface, and lo and behold it was gold streaks. The inside is bright silver gobbeldy-goop, after you get the gunk off. I know I've heard gold doesn't tarnish but then I heard that it does, after a long period of time, start with a black film and that's what it looks like. I'm heading up to the Uinta's again, and dusted it off, a few days ago. I found something similar to this one, this is the link.. Silver Concho Worn by Spanish Soldier's Horse
Anyone that could let me know the worth, or if it's Spanish will be appreciated when I find that mine. Haha. I sure hope my picture co we across. Here goes....
Anyone that could let me know the worth, or if it's Spanish will be appreciated when I find that mine. Haha. I sure hope my picture co we across. Here goes....