I was only able to go over about 30% of this enourmous field and have found dozens of points, pottery, "slave era" pad locks, 1890 perfume bottle, the old style xxx clay liquor jug tops, a diamond clear quartz point, two buckets of fragments, a bone awl, effigies, it is unreal the plethora of things from so many different eras and even fossilized marine coral, bison teeth, opalized oyster shells. its just amazing. i cant wait for hunting season to end in Alabama. im about to move to central NH and am interested in what i might find in the streams of the White Mountain range. i absolutely cannot wait. i
I am an avid collector of anything natural history, minerals, fossils, etc. I would love to be a part of a legit team of people that dedicated themselves to preserving rare and common artifacts, relics and anything related to the history of land we are blessed to stand on. Finding an arrowhead or spearhead, to me, is like going back in time, the instant my hand touches it and its just an amazing feeling. My ancestors, the Druids, worshipped this earth, physically and spiritually speaking and paid great respect to the elders of our people. So i guess you could say its in my blood. sorry for the long rant. just have a lot on my mind and these threads help me a lot. Treasure hunting is my absolute passion. I lost my 3 year old daughter Kaitlyn back in August, i haven't been the same since. This is where i find my peace.