Something i dug up

white dove

Jr. Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Golden Thread

I have been away from here for quite a while. There are 2 reasons as to why its been a long time,

1 - i have been batteling cancer at age 36 now and some days i just do good enough to sit up let alone post

2 - on the days i have been able to get out i have been exploring or rather digging in my bluff/cave area on my property.

okay enough of the update. now on to what i have found.

these photos were taking with a camera phone my brother had. they are kind of blurry but one can still see pretty much that it is a rock. one day back in about september of last year my nephew portor, his soon to be wife saundra and i decided to start digging up the bluff area on our property to put in a storm shelter, the first two days of digging went fine, nothing much was dug up except several flagstone rock, on about the 4 th time we went out to dig i had picked up the pick axe and was picking in the dirt and loosening it up and then moving it back behind me for portor and saundra to sift. then at one time i swung the pick down and hit something hard so i am thinking well its just another rock i have to dig around, well i go to touch it with my hands to see if i can move it and it is ice cold, like touching ice from an ice cube tray, didnt really think much about it but went ahead and dug around it and pulled it out, when i turned it over i seen this really shiny part on it that was red in color, the rest of it was really muddy but the shiny part got me wondering what it was. well i put it in our little bucket and took it home later that evening and washed it. after washing it, you can tell its a rock/mineral of some kind.

on the inside of it, it has been cut or broken in half ( not sure if i did this or not cause i have yet to find the part thats missing ) well on the side that has part of it missing you can see crystals and one long crystal with a white one right beside. it has red lines running through it and look so much like a brain yet its a rock. well inside it there is yellow stuff. could be fools gold, real gold or just florite or something else not sure..

well later in the week we are back digging and we come upon wires.. they look like old nails or something or perhaps part of an old satchel or something, and we sift around some more and find an old broken bullet, dont really know what type it is just that its a bullet casing and several arrowheads..

weather gets bad so we stopped for the winter, then part of last month it got really warm like up in the 70s so we went back out and this time switched sides, on the other side we found the most amazing thing. it is a arrowhead with markings directly upon the arrowhead itself.. we did not know what we had found until we got back to the house and washed it off, but directly on this arrowhead is an arrow pointing in an upward like direction and the number 20 or what looks like 20 beside it on the left of this arrow and to the right of the arrow an x mark.. i have never before in my life seen such a mark directly upon an arrowhead. i have searched and searched online and found nothing to indicate that such an arrowhead as ever exsisted before like it.. i do not have a photo of the arrowhead and highly doubt a photo would do it justice as its so tiny of an arrowhead ( about 1 inch across ) that you need a magnifying glass to see the markings on it. we have also found clay pottery although its broken up in pieces..

the area that i am digging on had at one time been an area for war and it had several crossroads in the area. i was told that way back in the back of my property there is/was and old schoolhouse like back in the 1700 not sure if this is true or not, but i do know one thing a neighbor who lives about 5 miles away from my house had a bluff that he dug up and in that bluff it opened up into a huge cave system. he has found arrowheads and even a tommyhawk. he stopped sifting ( dumb if you ask me ) and used a bulldozer to remove the dirt and its as big enough for a school bus to drive under it..

this bluff/cave im digging in the dirt was way upon to the bluff, and it had about 1/2 inch to look under the bluff, now its down about 2 foot and i am still digging down. we did not hit the arrowheads or the rock until it was like 1 foot down.

i was told at one time this was a geode yet i have searched online and offline for photos of geodes, this rock/mineral whatever it is , is very smooth to the touch, you can hold it in your fist. i often wonder was the arrowhead we found with the x mark pointing to this rock? or is it pointing to perhaps jewels or guns or ?? inside this bluff?

if anyone can identify this type of rock/mineral or can confirm it to be a geode, please post here and let me know or at least send me a pm.. thanks.


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You might get an attempt at an I.D. if the pics were a little larger/clearer...sorry.

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I'm going to hazard a guess and say it *is* a geode. If so it should be rounded on the outside, and bear crystals on the inside when cracked open.

Chip V,
P.S. Good health & Good hunting!

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Very smooth and cold to the touch. An unusual pattern of 'colors'. In looking at the photos it appears rounded on one end with a roundish depression on the side. Is that a correct description of what I see?

I would guess that it might be a fossil of some type. It almost looks 'shell' like. The organized structure of the living thing causes different colors to be side by side in distinct places but not necessarily veined or evenly distributed across the whole. If you take it to a lapidary shop the people there might to confirm it, but this is my best guess.

I'm sure that others like myself would like to see some better pictures too, if you can.

Steve, SoCal

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Got_4by4 said:
Very smooth and cold to the touch. An unusual pattern of 'colors'. In looking at the photos it appears rounded on one end with a roundish depression on the side. Is that a correct description of what I see?

I would guess that it might be a fossil of some type. It almost looks 'shell' like. The organized structure of the living thing causes different colors to be side by side in distinct places but not necessarily veined or evenly distributed across the whole. If you take it to a lapidary shop the people there might to confirm it, but this is my best guess.

I'm sure that others like myself would like to see some better pictures too, if you can.

Steve, SoCal

Hi Steve.

What is a lapidary shop? I live in Tennessee and have never heard of such a shop. If you happen to know of one here please let me know.

yes it has a rounded impression on it, and the colors on it are red lines, brownish coloros, pinkish in some places yellow stuff that look like maybe fools gold , gold, or flourite. grey tint to it also. on the inside its got more of the yellowish stuff, and several crystals, one being long about 1/2 inch kind of grey looking crystal. and a white crystal beside it. it still shines and sparkles in light.

okay, if this is not a geode, then anybody know what type it is? i will try and get a better picture and get a picture of my arrowhead with the markings on it sometime tomorrow and will post it if i can get a better photo. thanks.

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Thanks for sharing your adventures with us white dove :thumbsup:

You will likely find the right people here to answer your questions, but you first have to provide clear information, especially in the way of 'good' pics :happy1:

I look foward to seeing your new pics. Can you also show us pics of the area you are digging?

and you have my sincere Best Wishes for a speedy recovery :icon_sunny:

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trikikiwi said:
Thanks for sharing your adventures with us white dove :thumbsup:

You will likely find the right people here to answer your questions, but you first have to provide clear information, especially in the way of 'good' pics :happy1:

I look foward to seeing your new pics. Can you also show us pics of the area you are digging?

and you have my sincere Best Wishes for a speedy recovery :icon_sunny:

Hi mike..

My brother has a cell phone and i told him i would buy him some minutes and he will try and get a better photo. i have to get in bed. its like 12 am here right now, but as soon as i can get him some minutes i will have him try and get a better photo and post it up online here as soon as i can. i will see if he can walk back there to the site and snap a few but cant promise that on getting a photo of the site. between my health and my brothers ( he has genertive bone disorder and has already lost 3 back spineal bones in his back , the disks are gone ) but i will try. the place i dig at is like about 1/2 mile from my home..

thank you to all your replies.. i just hope i can at least find out what it is? i posted the photo of this rock on a local sales network and got a few replies and one from an archeoligist who wanted to come look at the place when he got back from florida but he never replied back, anyhow i just want to make sure its nothing dangerous you know like uranium, or lead? cause my brother lives on my property and has 5 kids whose ages are from 5 to 15, so i have to make sure its okay and if its something bad make sure and keep them from the area..

the arrowhead itself with the markings has what has intriged me anmd especially the x mark upon it. there has to be something in there, just has to be... anyhow thought id make a quick reply.. will post again as soon as i can and hopefully have better photos.. wish me luck on the photos. take care.

White Dove!

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Sounds like you have some really fun/great spots to hunt!!! I can't tell by the pic, but it looks like it maybe is a geode.

God bless, and hope you recover 100%!!!!!

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well, im back..

got my brother some minutes on his phone and he did snap a few more photos but they seem to be much blurrier then the last three as you can see in the photo below :( so im thinking perhaps try taking a photo of it by a regular camera then having the photo put on disk so i can upload it to the computer for a better view.. will take photos of this again and of the area i am digging at but will need some time to do this, so please do not forget about me? its supposed to be really bad storms tomorrow with tornadoes and all in my area and if so then the next sunny day i will snap them photos and get them up here for all to see. so bare with me on it please?

Also i can post the photo i took of the arrowhead with its markings on it if you all would like to see it but it is very fuzzy and you cant hardly tell a dang thing about it, except its color and shape :( I have did some research and searched online at the mineral database but have seen nothing compared to this rock. if it is not a geode but a fossel of some kind i wonder what kind of it is? :icon_scratch:anyhow will chat later and many thanks for the replies!

oops.. i forgot the new photo... sorry this was taken outside on my car. i thought being on the back of my car would give a good background, guess i was wrong!


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White dove, outside/natural light is good for photographing treasures, but a white/light background is a no no :nono:
You will get better results with a darker color background, try a dark blue.

I would rather wait until you have a good pic of the arrowhead,
but I can't wait to see it, so what the heck, give us a blurry image to look at ;D

Cheers, Mike

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