Some jerks make claiming of land for prospecting a bad name!


Hero Member
Nov 3, 2011
French Gulch, North Calif.
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Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I just found out a guy from NY put in a claim in our town of French Gulch Cal. The bad thing is he is giving a bad name for prospectors and people who want to claim property for gold Prospecting. This Dude from New York started Construction on property he claimed & hired a few Mexican Illegal aliens who cut a road and started using the land for a pot farm with 90+ Plants, not for prospecting for Gold. (It costs about $149.00 a year to file a claim in Sacramento California, and this fool thinks he is going to use it for a "pot farm"). last Thurs night, July 26th, 2012. A traffic stop was made of 2 Mexican Nationals who claimed they were US citizens and spoke NO English. They were stopped by Law Enforcement because they saw them both watering the pot plants on the near by pot farm. The Mexican Nationals from Mexico said they were only workers and were released after a couple of hours of questioning, no tow of vehicle or arrest! If it was you or I we would have had our truck towed and thrown in jail with a heafty fine to boot. These Undocumented aliens are getting away with it. Also a bad thing is it in full view of the French Gulch Elementry School kids who can see across the street and up the hill West of the school the pot farm being watered and cultivated. It may put more restrictions on claiming prospecting land in the future.:dontknow:

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Who is the "Dude from New York?"

Who is the "Dude from New York?"
The DUDE from NY can be easily figured, as you know, Terry. Or at least the county recorded info. I would DROP A DIME, Goldentruth, to the TV people on what you know. They love those kind of stories... I suggest tell Fox News about the caught-then-let-go illegals. They will have it NATIONAL in no time, I'll bet. TTC

Hey, I can promise you(living in San Antonio) that there are a great many U.S. citizens here that speak no English. As for gold or democrats; your state is the one that made weed legal(so to speak), has stores "clinics" that sell it, machines that dispense it and Dr.'s that prescribe it. I fully agree with you, but I bet that dude makes more growing pot than you or I make digging, mining or detecting gold. Sorry.

Who is the "Dude from New York?"
The Feds, Fish & Game and law enforcement are tracking this individual from New York also illegally hiring Illegal Aliens and no workers comp, Insurance etc. as well as Drug producing and trafficing. The law enforcement already stopped a U-haul driver and handcuffed him related to this case. heads are gona roll on this one and it ain't over yet buddy.

The DUDE from NY can be easily figured, as you know, Terry. Or at least the county recorded info. I would DROP A DIME, Goldentruth, to the TV people on what you know. They love those kind of stories... I suggest tell Fox News about the caught-then-let-go illegals. They will have it NATIONAL in no time, I'll bet. TTC
Thanks for the reply. Things are in the works, Check my reply to Terry Soloman's info I updated and sent. Thanks Bro.

goldentruth said:
I just found out a guy from NY put in a claim in our town of French Gulch Cal. The bad thing is he is giving a bad name for prospectors and people who want to claim property for gold Prospecting. This Dude from New York started Construction on property he claimed & hired a few Mexican Illegal aliens who cut a road and started using the land for a pot farm with 90+ Plants, not for prospecting for Gold. (It costs about $149.00 a year to file a claim in Sacramento California, and this fool thinks he is going to use it for a "pot farm"). last Thurs night, July 26th, 2012. A traffic stop was made of 2 Mexican Nationals who claimed they were US citizens and spoke NO English. They were stopped by Law Enforcement because they saw them both watering the pot plants on the near by pot farm. The Mexican Nationals from Mexico said they were only workers and were released after a couple of hours of questioning, no tow of vehicle or arrest! If it was you or I we would have had our truck towed and thrown in jail with a heafty fine to boot. These Undocumented aliens are getting away with it. Also a bad thing is it in full view of the French Gulch Elementry School kids who can see across the street and up the hill West of the school the pot farm being watered and cultivated. It may put more restrictions on claiming prospecting land in the future.:dontknow:

Damn New Yorkers. And those kids, what are they doing looking out the windows at the pot farm when they should be paying attention to the teacher? Damn kids.

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Thanks for the reply. Things are in the works, Check my reply to Terry Soloman's info I updated and sent. Thanks Bro.

I just hope it is somebody close by, cause I'm almost outta weed! :laughing7:

Things like this have the potential to stereotype prospectors

It won't be long before folks think we're shaggy bearded and dirty instead of the clean sharped dressed folk we truly are.

PYRATE said:
Things like this have the potential to stereotype prospectors

It won't be long before folks think we're shaggy bearded and dirty instead of the clean sharped dressed folk we truly are.


Are you sure the guy from NY is responsible? Do they know for sure he is giving the orders?
The reason I ask is I arrest Illegals almost EVERY DAY and 50% of them have "real" Driver's Licenses and IDs, but only because they stole someone's identity and got all the documentation they needed. I guess the point I'm trying to get at is it ridiculously easy for these illegals to get a hold of someone's social, get ID, open a credit card, and start operations in someone else's name.

Wow Golden. You seem to know alot about the guy's personal and private business. I'm guessing you are the extremely jealous type. Drink a jug of Hateraid and get out of this guys business and leave him alone.

I think the illegals in broken English lied to the Agents so they could pass the buck! Somebody has to pay them locally and givr them money for supplys & food. Yesterday I talked to my landlord who is a retired fish & Game agent and he told me this pot farm is across from the city dump to the West which is on a hill. I drove by the site and from the Dump, I looked west and about 1/2 mile up a hill I could see about over 120 to 150 15inch holes where all the pot plants were dug out! This is on a steep almost 45 degree tilt where all could see. It looked like also a oddhouse is on the site with power eqpt.(I don't know if it is the feds for removal use. Tore up water pipes are all over the place. This is my update. Thanks for reading. (The dudes are probably on another site by now.)

benjamin: I am not like you who sticks his head in the sand like a dumb fool. When I was in front of my house that is where the agents stopped the illegal aliens fool. This crap is my business when I got 3 boys and I dont need them being a hop-head like you! My boys are in school working on their career hopes and they dont need time for dope. So don't judge me when people get what they get when they mess around and get burnt. I did not drop the dime fool, I just have to look out for my family, some runners & growers are armed and I have the right to protect my own not turn my back like you. Get it, understand it or get off the planet.

GT, do not attack members on the forum, it violates our rules.............

Does this mean I'm not getting any weed?


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goldentruth said:
benjamin: I am not like you who sticks his head in the sand like a dumb fool. When I was in front of my house that is where the agents stopped the illegal aliens fool. This crap is my business when I got 3 boys and I dont need them being a hop-head like you! My boys are in school working on their career hopes and they dont need time for dope. So don't judge me when people get what they get when they mess around and get burnt. I did not drop the dime fool, I just have to look out for my family, some runners & growers are armed and I have the right to protect my own not turn my back like you. Get it, understand it or get off the planet.

Can you please stop beating around the bush and tell Ben how you really feel. He can take it.

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