digem all
Found this on the beach last week at low tide. Its been great fun showing it off. Nobody knows what it is. Its about 4"x6"x1" thk. iron or steel fragment, with some "shiny, non- magnetic metal" deposited on one side and all edges. Upon closer inspection it appears that the "shiny metal" may have been deposited in channels in the iron.
Two best guesses so far are:
Its part of a mold.
Its a welder's practice piece.
Pics are too large for the forum but can be viewed here (I hope):
so whatizzit
Taz got it! THANKS, its a hardened tooth or a chip off a bucket loader.
Two best guesses so far are:
Its part of a mold.
Its a welder's practice piece.
Pics are too large for the forum but can be viewed here (I hope):
so whatizzit

Taz got it! THANKS, its a hardened tooth or a chip off a bucket loader.