Soap brings Whites back to life and Gatorade saves clad


Gold Member
Jul 14, 2007
My White's 600 DI Pro has been out of commission since a trip to California.
Ever since the trip it was reading everything as a penny....EVERYTHING.
I read on the White's web site the other day that the machines can build
up static electricity and throw of the readings. The answer....a soapy damp
cloth wipe down. It worked!!! SHE"S ALIIIVE!!
Check out the first day back finds.

I was going to soak the dirt off of the clad, but I forgot my watter bottle.
So I put the clad in the only thing I had...a bottle of Gatorade. Check out
how well it cleaned the coins! What a surprise!!!!


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nice count !! this is how clad looks good in a pic too,, all cleaned up.... ;D

WOW, great info. Congrats on your finds.
Maybe we should call that stuff CLADorade? ;D
Thanks for the post,

Glad to hear the Whites came back to life....I just happen to have some gatorade and dirty clad..gonna give it a shot right

Great finds , and Im glad your whites is ok :)
ya gotta remember ,when you go to that left coast
strange things can happen :o ;)\


SC_hunter said:
Glad to hear the Whites came back to life....I just happen to have some gatorade and dirty clad..gonna give it a shot right

Let me know what you think.

doozis said:
Great finds , and Im glad your whites is ok :)
ya gotta remember ,when you go to that left coast
strange things can happen :o ;)\


Laughing Like Theeese. HA HA HA!!

ModernMiner said:
WOW, great info. Congrats on your finds.
Maybe we should call that stuff CLADorade? ;D
Thanks for the post,

Maybe we can sell a commercial. LOL

It may have only been reading "Penny" because you have a MOUNTAIN of them in the picture!!! ;D Just Kidding, I know that was prior to your hunt. I am glad you brought it back to life and with such a SURPRISING method. A soap-water wipe down. Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) :) That 6000 DI is a great relic machine too!

{Sentinel} said:
It may have only been reading "Penny" because you have a MOUNTAIN of them in the picture!!! ;D Just Kidding, I know that was prior to your hunt. I am glad you brought it back to life and with such a SURPRISING method. A soap-water wipe down. Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) :) That 6000 DI is a great relic machine too!

Heading out Sunday with MDguy, civilman, and Howard.
It will be my first relic hunt with the whites.
We are headed up on the road to Gettysburg.
Wish us luck.

Cool deal Ty...Glad the White's is up and going...Gonna have to stop at the store and pick up some Gatorade for the Sun. hunt.Looking forward to hitting some new ground.Thank's for the invite.

Now that we've seen what Gatorade will do for your coins, why would anyone drink it?

Never heard of the soap wipe down, but if it works that's great. Great haul there, and the Gatoraid seemed to do the trick. If it does that to pennies, I must be sparkling clean inside.

Maybe White's should add that to their manuals. When in doubt take a bath!
Nice job on the cleanup, too. HH and good luck this coming sunday.


I will have to remember the soapy wipe down, strange the detector did that. CLADorade, LOL! HH and nice pile of coins, Mike

Bavaria Mike said:
I will have to remember the soapy wipe down, strange the detector did that. CLADorade, LOL! HH and nice pile of coins, Mike

I had it in the desert in 120 degree temps, maybe that did it?

well gatorade is a electrolite solution -- its simply water & chemicals that your body needs to "process" its electric signals -- thats why as you sweat and dehydrate (lossing water and the electrical aiding Chemicals your body has a "hard" time) -- --basically its " chemical liquid sweat in a bottle" replacement--- a drinkible IV -- the UF science dept came up with itback in 1965 to help prevent dehydration of their football team -- the original lemon lime flavor was to make it drinkible) -- it has salts in it and s somewhat acidic in nature and is basically a electriolite solution -- I'm not surprized it cleans coins well ---I drink it often while hunting and metal detecting here in florida its hot & easy to get dehydrated-- must admit never thought of using to clean anything -- I know coke cola while corrosive will clean up a penny or remove crud off a battery terminal rapidly -- Ivan

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