Snows gone. ground thowed. wet as heck.

I'm in the same boat.. except all the snow here hasn't melted yet! What has melted is slush and that makes for muddy pickings! Suppose to be 50 this hopefully more of this stuff will dry up!
Good hunting if you do get out!

Same story here in Rhode Island. The snow is almost gone, but the ground is soaked and everything is mud. The wet ground makes for strong signals though, so it's good and bad. I'm hoping to get out this coming weekend for my first MDing since before Xmas! HH to everyone!

I've heard moisture content in the soil effects signal strenth many times. How so??????

I don't know the technicle reasons for it, but moist ground has doubled my depth & sensitivity on more then one ocasion

The same story here in Austin. It has been raining for a few days and the ground is nothing but mud. I hate getting out there in the mud, cause then I have to clean it all up later.(it sure seemed different when I was a kid) Of course I have been going out anyway, just digging clad.

Yep, it was nice over the weekend here in NE Illinois. Today the temps fell. So get out tomorrow you yanks out east. The freeze is on it's way back. Enjoy the slush and mud now.

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