My initial thoughts revolve around lack of thought , and regard for country that allow these people to jepardise the welfare of citizens, and country to push forward personal agenda's. In their mind, they may think they are doing the right and proper thing by exposing National Secrets, but show a dangerous disregard, for anyone but themselves. I am also concerned that a lot of this Country's problems right now may stem from the lack of vetting of Govt' personell......They want back-ground checks on gun owners, but can't conduct a check on their own employee's who have access to highly sensitive National secrets. Once again they seem to be working backwards......
Another trait that I,m seeing is the lack of concern as to why these people do what they do. Watched a interview with Snowden's father, and while it is easy to see that parents will express love for their children, he didn't seem to see that anything was wrong, and couldn't understand the reaction that his son had caused......If this was the environment he was brought up in, it may explain a lot.....He has still sold out the Country, and deserves to be tried, and if found guilty, executed.......But he is not totally save in Russia.....He may still disappear without a trace......