Snowden on the loose in Russia...

I think that it was inevitable. Putin is old school USSR, and is someone that "o", doesn't know how to deal with cause he looses at each turn. I don't think this was done for the information that Snowden had, Russia most likely already had that, but this a political move to see hoe far they can control our Pres. IMO, Obama is way over his head with Russia, and the next week will be interesting.......Gary

Oh yeah, Bo is being toyed with, he is outgunned in intelligence And wisdom. I hope we last long enough to have someone competent voted in! I believe the big players in the world are smelling blood in the water, and they are circling at a distance to see what kind of a defense will be left in the prey.

So much for the world apology tours. They really may not have restored our standing the world after all.

Poor Snowden, this is a fellow with a lot of intelligence, and very little wisdom. A useful pawn to be moved around the board.

Just for starters, Hagel is shrinking the military.......... Seems we cant fund the military with Nobama needing a vacation every month.
Course, Moochel has to have her vacations, too. Just a different direction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snowden revealed our government is spying on every single aspect of American citiizen's lives and is called a traitor.....

Obama and Biden reveal the secret that it was Seal Team 6 who got Bin Laden in May 2011 and their helicopter is shot down in Afghanistan on August 2011 killing all 30 Americans aboard, most of whom are Seal Team 6 members and that is okay?

And I'm sure that Snowden is not," on the loose", in Russia......He won't make a move or meet anyone that will not be monitored.....Putin, ex-KGB, won't make the slip-ups the NSA did......

Snowden revealed our government is spying on every single aspect of American citiizen's lives and is called a traitor.....

Obama and Biden reveal the secret that it was Seal Team 6 who got Bin Laden in May 2011 and their helicopter is shot down in Afghanistan on August 2011 killing all 30 Americans aboard, most of whom are Seal Team 6 members and that is okay?

In reality,, This is the makings of a HUGE scandal.. We need to know more! And the relatives of these seals are sure something is amiss here. I agree. Also a bigger deal than watergate.

I am having a hard time not seeing Snowden as a traitor who deserves the death penalty. I respect his ideas to enlighten the public but I don't think leaking material that puts American lives at risk is the way to do it. He also obtained the material by criminal means. If he wanted to whistle-blow he must have been able to think of a way other then Wikileaks...




My initial thoughts revolve around lack of thought , and regard for country that allow these people to jepardise the welfare of citizens, and country to push forward personal agenda's. In their mind, they may think they are doing the right and proper thing by exposing National Secrets, but show a dangerous disregard, for anyone but themselves. I am also concerned that a lot of this Country's problems right now may stem from the lack of vetting of Govt' personell......They want back-ground checks on gun owners, but can't conduct a check on their own employee's who have access to highly sensitive National secrets. Once again they seem to be working backwards......

Another trait that I,m seeing is the lack of concern as to why these people do what they do. Watched a interview with Snowden's father, and while it is easy to see that parents will express love for their children, he didn't seem to see that anything was wrong, and couldn't understand the reaction that his son had caused......If this was the environment he was brought up in, it may explain a lot.....He has still sold out the Country, and deserves to be tried, and if found guilty, executed.......But he is not totally save in Russia.....He may still disappear without a trace......

I am having a hard time not seeing Snowden as a traitor who deserves the death penalty. I respect his ideas to enlighten the public but I don't think leaking material that puts American lives at risk is the way to do it. He also obtained the material by criminal means. If he wanted to whistle-blow he must have been able to think of a way other then Wikileaks...



I agree with your assessment Crispin. Snowden was completely wrong. He apparently feels strongly that US gov is engaged in illegal activities but his traitorous actions just harm us interests.

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