Sadistic Serpent
S.S here looking for a recipe for smelting galena silver ore.
I have about 25 Lbs of crush ore and need a way of turning it into bars.
I have made a furnace for smelting out of fire bricks & have some chapmans flux. Do i need to mix copper or zinc to get the impurities out
or none of the two?
I had a mentor for six months but he pasted from cancer and he had a note book with all his recipes on it but it was buried with him.
I am a hard worker and a fast learner.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
S.S here looking for a recipe for smelting galena silver ore.
I have about 25 Lbs of crush ore and need a way of turning it into bars.
I have made a furnace for smelting out of fire bricks & have some chapmans flux. Do i need to mix copper or zinc to get the impurities out
or none of the two?
I had a mentor for six months but he pasted from cancer and he had a note book with all his recipes on it but it was buried with him.
I am a hard worker and a fast learner.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you