Silver Nuggets (Ha)


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Nov 2, 2007
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Golden Thread
CA via TX
Found these on the beach, that I frequent, during a very low tide a few weeks ago. They were at the low water line, maybe 6" - 8" deep. They are really dense. I assume they are aluminum that has been tossed against the rocks and pebbles (lots of rocks on this particular beach) for years and formed these nuggets. Was only hunting for an hour and just hit a small area so there's no telling how much of this stuff is out there. I've never found any before but never hunted that low of a tide before. Anybody else ever found this kind of stuff?


  • Nuggets.webp
    17.3 KB · Views: 3,051
More then likely it is not silver , but it may be something much better :)
They could be platinum nuggets :o
They have been found on beaches before.
Only why to know for sure would be to test them, I am not sure how to go about doing that :(
Perhaps taking it to a jeweler ???

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I'll bet you're right, lots of fires on this beach. Never thought of that. They would make some cool necklace pendants. Maybe I'm on to something here. Have to seal them in polyurethane or something to keep from getting clothes black. Yahooooooo!

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There you marketing product...

Something like the old pet rock craze...package them up and sell as beach bum jewels, or whatever.

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Yep I can see Budweiser all over those things

Tim ;D

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I find lots of those on my local beaches. Some are fairly light so they are melted aluminum cans and some are heavier so I assume that they are melted something else. They show up as anything from pulltab to silver dollar, depending on the size and density. Some of the heavier ones can be scratched easily so they are probably lead or something, and some are harder.

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Thanks for all the great responses. They are dense but not heavy, by that I mean the feel heavy for their size but not heavy like gold or lead. Checked with magnet, non-ferrous. Haven't tried scratching yet. I was using a Classic III (no visual I.D.) but they sounded like solid quater hits. Here's a couple of different "style" pieces, one being fairly thick. Will keep digging.


  • Slag.webp
    20.5 KB · Views: 1,105
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oh yah, them there are rare alumis canus nuggets made the redneckus beerswiller beach bum tribe during their tribal get togethers --- they celebrate by throwning aluminum beer cans into their beach bonfires which melt into odd shapes sinking into the sand

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About 12 to 14 cents a pound if you find enough of them. M ;) nty

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ivan salis said:
oh yah, them there are rare alumis canus nuggets made the redneckus beerswiller beach bum tribe during their tribal get togethers --- they celebrate by throwning aluminum beer cans into their beach bonfires which melt into odd shapes sinking into the sand

When you see evidence of this tribe in wintertime, please don't eat the yellow snow.

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Vrent said:
they could be slag, but that one on th right does look a bit coinish
Yes, that flat round piece is an unusual shape for surf eroded or melted aluminum.

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I have found so many of them, yes slobs putting cans in a fire.
I have also found similar ones , where cars burned.
What readings on your detector????? Compare to some other metal

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bill17042 said:
I have found so many of them, yes slobs putting cans in a fire.
I have also found similar ones , where cars burned.
What readings on your detector????? Compare to some other metal
Sounded off and registered like silver half or dollar.

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see my posts, westport point mass, boris silver color nuggets, gold and silver rings nearby and beads and bones etc.

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Don't throw away until tested as may be platinum or otherwise, many in Massachusetts beachs near Whydah.

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Could be platinum, Mr. Indiana Jones available?

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