My wife works at a grocery store as a checker. She came home today and says here, this is like the one you found at those old houses. She hands me a mercury dime. Said someone gave it to her in there change.
I love it when they do that....
My ol' lady manages a store & works the cash register, she blows me away on silver most days...
Good luck, & Happy hunting~
i have never gotten a merc in my change! silver washingtons every once in a blue moon and a silver roosie once, but never a merc. even wheaties are becoming an extremely rare find in my change. in a years time i may find 3 or 4 wheats.
I can remember as a child about 5 or 6 years old that all dimes looked like that! My granddad use to give me a dime to go to the store and buy penny candy, yep, penny candy, ten pieces for a dime! There must have been millions of them in circulation. When the government issues a new replacement coin such as the rosie, do they start pulling the old ones? I know they couldn't have all been lost. JIM
Congratulations, Love them Merc's. One of my favorite coin designs. I found a 44 Merc today coin roll hunting. Definately love getting em at face value.