Some of you may have much better dirt sifters for digging deeper but this may be worth a look. I am new to this board but I am not very new to the world.
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I took a 5ft x 24in. ¼ inch hardware cloth and used the wire that binds the roll to sew the hardware cloth in a circle. Then I folded 2inches over at one open end and hand sewed the bottom shut.
I used this to sift rocks out of dirt in a bed I was making for some strawberries. I started out to make a cone shape for a garbage can but decided it was too much trouble. It turned out better than I had planed because it has two cones and fits a garbage can very well. I used bungee straps at #1 and #2 through the handles to hold the sifter in place. I started by rocking the garbage can back and forth which works as well as I could expect. The real I opener was I discovered I could pour the dirt out at #3 while the cone at #0 held the gravel then I could pour the gravel into a separate garbage can. This made the operation much faster than I expected. I had to keep the load small enough to lift. Sorry about spliting the post.