Short Hunt Of Soccer Field #3


Silver Member
Apr 7, 2007
Austin, TX
Detector(s) used
Whites Eagle Spectrum, Compass X-100, Whites Beach Hunter ID, 2 Whites Spectrum XLT's
I didn't get out yesterday because my mothers computer crashed, and I had to set up her new one the way she wanted it, which took most of the morning. After getting her up and going, I went to install her printer she gave me, on my computer. Well, my computer crashed. I had built that one from scratch, and without going into details, I knew the motherboard was the problem. The rest of the day was spent tearing down mine, and the one that had crashed of my mothers. After putting everything together to build one more, I was up and running again by late last night. This morning I still had to install some software that was lost, but before I did that, I had to get out and get my head together with a little detecting. So I picked the place that has been the most frustrating as of late....The Soccer Field From Hell!
Yes, I went back one more time for just a short hunt for an hour or two. This time I didn't go down in the pit the fields are in. There is a thin patch of ground between the fence and the downward slope to the fields. That's the area I decided to search. It turned out the finds were better up on the rim. I know I will be going back because the biggest part of the rim I didn't even touch, but that's another day. Now, back to getting this computer back to the way I want it.


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Looks like it is getting better...also see a few pennies... :)

DFX-Gregg said:
Looks like it is getting better...also see a few pennies... :)

I think everyone hits the fields here. It doesn't look like the rim has been hit that much. There were way more finds in less time and space. Even a few pennies, copper that is.

Well, that's better. Glad the rim has stuff. Hurry up and finish that computer so you can get back there. Hope there is some jewelry up there for you to maybe? Good luck my friend.

Good stuff ,that money is adding up pretty quick.

The part of my computer crashing that really aggravated me was that I thought I lost my coin count for the year. Luckily I found it on my other hard drive and was able to retrieve it. We are up and running again!

Congratulations on your finds and hunt. Very nice job on gridding and keeping up with all found within the grids.

I know your pain on the computer. That was my profession, guess it still is just with strong carpal tunnel not doing too much with computers or with anything else concerning my hands much.


Postalrevnant said:
Congratulations on your finds and hunt. Very nice job on gridding and keeping up with all found within the grids.

I know your pain on the computer. That was my profession, guess it still is just with strong carpal tunnel not doing too much with computers or with anything else concerning my hands much.


It was my profession too about 25 years ago. I was an EE for this electronics company for about 12 years. Technology past me by a long time ago. If I hit a snag now, I call my son. He builds his own computers, too, but his have to be the biggest and fastest you can make because he is a major gamer. The one he has now I will inherit in about 2 months, and it takes external fans to keep it cool. He's now building a bigger and faster one yet. I'll take it even though a run of the mill regular computer is all I need.

congrats on finding your coin counter piggman ;) and congrats on finding some more coin at the field ;D

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