shipwreck beach religious medal - info on language, age, or any details sought


Sr. Member
Jun 16, 2007
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This medal was posted some time ago when I hadn't cleaned it and didn't even know that it was a religious medal. When someone suggested that it might be a religious medal, I decided to clean it to see what I could learn. No details were visible before cleaning. I have done some electrolytic cleaning (as much as I want to right now) and would like help on identifying the language and era or any other information. Someone might be familiar with benedictions, or whatever is on this medal. As you can see there is a lot of writing, but at this point, I can't make it out. Hopefully someone is familiar with this type of medal and can offer a good guess as to what it might say. My guess right now is that it is Catholic and that the writing is Latin, but I don't know.

It is the size of a quarter. Horizontally almost exactly, including the farthest estensions. Vertically, it is just very slightly higher than a quarter, again including the extensions. it came from an 18th Century shipwreck site. Of course that does not mean it is from that period.

Thanks for any ideas.





bridgeendfarm said:
I don't know myself, looks like she layed there a while before you found her

Yes. The more I research it, the more I am seeing that suggests it might indeed be 18th Century. I'm also thinking it could be portraying St. Benedict, who is often shown with a staff and a tablet. Looking closely around the standing figure's left hand appears to be a tablet or somethingr. The most legible series of letters seems to be "FACIE," which would fit in with Latin, probably also french, I would guess.

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Re: shipwreck beach religious medal - info on language, age, or any details soug

Looks to be of Latin dialect (Spanish or Portuguese). Ad the other side does look Benedictine (St. Benedict). I do believe that this is a Catholic medal, or at least that's what it appears to me.



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You have a very special medal. I think it is a St. Francis of Assisi medal (Catholic). The words on the back are in Latin. It is a blesssing that St. Francis wrote to Brother Leo.

The words of the prayer are:
"Benedicat tibi Dominus et custodiat te;
ostendat faciem suam tibi et misereatur tui.
Convertat vultum suum ad te et det tibi pacem"

I cannot see all the words above in your photos but I do see: Custodiat ostendat faciem miseratur convertat vultum.

This prayer is known as "May the Lord give you peace". The translation is:
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
may He show His face to you and have mercy.

May He turn His countenance to you and give you peace."


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Thanks guys.

Wow. Moe, I'll print out that prayer. That medal means a lot more to me now. I think about how it turned up on a hurricane shipwreck beach after being lost for a long time, maybe hundreds of years, and who held it before and under what circumstances. Something to meditate on. The best part of treasure hunting. Thanks again.

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Re: shipwreck beach religious medal - info on language, age, or any details soug

It's ITALIAN, and it translates:

"Each week, every week, every drain
gets Drano."

(Sorry, I just can't help myself sometimes)

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The medal you have probably belonged to a Franciscan Friar (priest) that was on that ship. He likely lost his life in the shipwreck. It is very special when you think of the significance of this find. Several hundred years later the medal/prayer lives in your hands.

Have a great week!


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Moe (fl) said:

The medal you have probably belonged to a Franciscan Friar (priest) that was on that ship. He likely lost his life in the shipwreck. It is very special when you think of the significance of this find. Several hundred years later the medal/prayer lives in your hands.

Have a great week!


Any chance it was lost by anyone else? That's a pretty specific spectulation... especially with the Catholics who have medal for everything carried by everybody.

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Montana Jim,

The medal shows two monks (most likely St. Francis and Brother Leo because of the prayer on the back side). In my opinion this medal is the religious order type, not a medal that just anyone would have. The owner could have been a missionary priest. Because this medal was probably worn, he likely perished in the wreck or perhaps he survived! It has been 200-300 years, so what do I know, really? Mine is an educated guess based on the evidence shown here and my little knowledge of religious orders.


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Right on, Moe:

In church, it is called the Benediction. One version is:

"The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace."

It's taken from the Bible: Numbers 6:24-26

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Moe (fl) said:
Montana Jim,

The medal shows two monks (most likely St. Francis and Brother Leo because of the prayer on the back side). In my opinion this medal is the religious order type, not a medal that just anyone would have. The owner could have been a missionary priest. Because this medal was probably worn, he likely perished in the wreck or perhaps he survived! It has been 200-300 years, so what do I know, really? Mine is an educated guess based on the evidence shown here and my little knowledge of religious orders.


Fair enough :) I am in no position to speculate either way... I'm not a card carrin' religious medal expert either... :)

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Thanks MackayDon.

Based on the photos presented here and information of a shipwreck, I think we can say accurately that:

- medal came from 18th century shipwreck per IndianRiverSonrise
- medal is Catholic
- writing on medal is Latin
- words are of "Benediction" also known as "May the Lord give you peace" prayer
- because of depiction of two monks and the prayer itself this medal is very likely Franciscan (St. Francis and Br. Leo)

The other information is speculation or an educated guess at best:
- owner was a Franciscan priest
- owner perished in wreck
- owner survived wreck

But regardless, the medal is very special and a great find!

Happy Hunting!

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