Ship found

Pretty deep.... that far down I would think is better for a hard hat diver to explore....

I remember when I was taking diving lessons in high school you can only dive a few hundred feet before you start to be crushed by the water. I would not want to know the pressure you would feel from diving 460 feet (I think that is what it said). I live on a lake that is like 80 to 100 feet at the deepest spot and when I dive off the boat to swim in the deep spot that is rough on the I would love to scuba dive in my lake. I bet there is some cool stuff at the bottom, including like 4 of my fiancees cell phones and at least 2 of my beach towels. :D

I haven't dove since the late 60's, but I remember back then it was pretty unusual for a scuba diver to go beyound a couple hundred feet..... but with the equipment they have today, I'm not up on what the capabilities are now, but 400 or more feet is a long way down ! :notworthy:

No doubt you could find a lot of goodies at the bottom of that lake..... I know if I could still dive today there are a number of lakes in my area that I'd be searching... and some of them are only 80 feet deep tops..... so you could have time to do some neat searchin'.....

I could do that. I never thought of it. I am sure that there is a lot of stuff at the bottom of our lake. I have never seen anyone search it.

There ya go... all the treasure is just sitting there waiting for you !.....
Be careful though.... it's always good to have someone with you too....
Don't take chances.... :icon_sunny:

Let us know what you find ! Pictures count ! LOL

I would never do any kind of diving without someone there with me. I have a hard time even taking the pontoon out by myself. I don't live an a big lake, but I know that things can happen.

Don't worry about pictures, I take pics of EVERYTHING that I find and I post them too... ;D

That's great, I'm very happy to hear that you're always thinking safety..... unfortunately, a lot of people don't...... and like you said, doesn't have to be a very big place for something to happen....
A lot of people let their guard down because they're in a small place.... glad to hear you're one of the smarter ones !

Also glad to hear about the pictures...... so I guess if we see a nice shot of the top of the lake, that will mean ya didn't find anything that day ! :D :P
OK the devil made me say that .... :icon_jokercolor:

:D I don't even Own a MDer yet. I have always wanted one and I got one for my soon to be nephew for his Birthday and me being the great Aunt I needed to try it out know to make sure it worked and everything. So I took it camping and found a bunch of stuff. Nothing to exciting, but it was fun. My Birthday is in 15 days and I am not allowed to buy myself anything until then. So right now I live through everyone else and read TNet all day at work.

I will have to do that some day and post a pic of the lake I live on and just say I found it in my back :D ;D

Well Happy Birthday in 15 days .... :hello2:

What a nice Aunt you are too, to give the MD to your nephew.... maybe he'll let you borrow it until you get your own.... plus, there might be some visible things on the bottom of that lake too... ya never know....

Actually I have his MDer now. I have it for 2 weeks until he is at his dads again. I am going to go out on Friday and search my yard some more. I live on about an acre of land so that will keep me busy for a while.

That sounds great...... Your yard is a good place to start and practice.... get to know the machine and you never know what you might find....
Keep us up dated.... :D

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