Serious underwater detector question..

Noble Metal, you will have a few to choose from. I?m using the Minelab Excalibur 1000, and I love this machine. One of my dive buddies is using the Excalibur 800, and this machine is probably a little better as you can get the coil into tighter locations. Another dive buddy is using the Fisher and has had some very good results with this machine also.
The latest machine that seems to be replacing the Minelab as the preferred UW detector along Florida?s Treasure coast is the AQUAPULSE from E.O. Industries. I have not used this machine yet. However, the folks that I have talked with that use this machine swear by it and claim that it is the best machine on the market today.

I have a Tesoro PIranha, it's a PI unit and works good. It's a few years old and I think they have replaced it with the Sand Shark. I also use a Fisher 1280X. But for deep seeking I go with the PIranha.

I use the gradeometer "Loop" impregnated in the front section of my boat.
The loop is 20' long x 12' wide with (2) 11' recieving coils.
It has about 40' range with discriminating qualities letting you know if you are over a ferrious or non ferrious target, coupled with an array of tripple cezium mags, side scan sonar, and sub bottom profiler, you don't miss much. 24" tunneled deflector and 8" suction non invasive vacume discharged to sluse box 56' away lets you identify targets rapidly.
The boat is 62' flat catermarant bottomed so it can be shipped world wide.
Want to use it?


If and when you come across a worthwhile target, how do you handle the anitquity issues governing many underwater sites? Care to send me a private message if need be ;)

PM'd you but could you be a little more specific?
"anitquity issues governing many underwater sites"??
If you are talking about in state waters, I get a state permit.
If you are talking about in Fed water, depending on what it is that is found, an Admiralty or other means is used.
I guess it all depends on what and where it is found etc.

You're "supposed" to report your finds to state and historical authorities in various ways depending on which state or country's waters you are searching in. Do you work with local authorities or do you keep things for your private collection? I personally struggle with putting up the funds and sweat to find treasure, only to have others think it belongs to them. I don't want to break the law, though. I am an amateur treasure hunter as well as a diver - all the laws have kept me from getting too serious about going after underwater treasures. I just was curious how you dealt with it.

rik just woundering about "gradeometer "Loop" impregnated in the front section of my boat.
The loop is 20' long x 12' wide with (2) 11' recieving coils" what keeps it from banging off the boat motor and other metals that are closer than 40ft ?

Rik, yes my friend, I would LOVE to use that. (Thank you for the thought.)
I have a couple of real things in the Philippines. (And I mean real, real, real.) I just am hurting as to money right now to properly start. (Might start over, find a true small story first, and then use that money to fix my problem in the above.)
They say I am a very good boy (smile), and have no problem with sharing and what is proper, an in friends. (I am True Friends Forever only.) An so any brainstorms just let me know what you think, and wish you were here. Noble Metal.

The "Loop" looks in a cone shaped search pattern, thus it is like a upside down ice cream cone shaped detection field.
The motors etc are far enough behind loop as to not be seen on the same search plain. The boat is 62' long, made of fiberglass and is kind of like a "big hand held metal detector".
The mags are towed off the front or back depending on water depth. or off 56' booms off the sides on hydrolic reels with slip rings and 500' of Kevlar cables.

I had a dream and spent more then 2 mill designing and building the boat.
If I had to do it over again, I would not!! lol.
I have acumulated over 4900 hr's searching with the likes of Mel Fisher and company, not finding much but not missing much either.

The three nothings of life.
You come into this life with Nothing.
You are going to leave this life with Nothing.
You don't want to miss Nothing along the way!!

I am on several good projects now and always looking for another one to "find the big one" to pay the bills.
Good luck and hope you find a worthwhile wreck soon.

2 mil. just think what the interest would have been on that if you had stuck it in the bank. nice monthly income.

Yes, just think if I would have invested that amount in Yahoo or MSFT or Amazon.
Thinking like that will cause you to drink. lol.

The "Loop" took two tried to get it right.
The first one had a water intrusion problem and I took a chain saw to it.
R and D is always expensive the first time around.
The "Loop" works well but you must have the right sea conditions or the salt water interfase can be problematic.
We went up the Swany River and because of the fresh water, we could turn the gain up and detected little pieces of copper wire, lawn chares etc.

We may look for the Tybee bomb. Tthat would be an easy target for the "Loop."

lost in Wassaw Sound in 58, lots of controversy about it.

Yes, Been following it closly for four years.

We think we have the area down to a reasonable size but the question is, is it live or a un armed dud.

Both sides have their theories but different motives.

I for one say if we droped it, we should find it and get it the heck out of Dodge.

Never before have the Mil left one unclaimed and it is kind of scary in todays world to have such a thing left for anyone to stumble upon.

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