Searching rolled coins


Hero Member
Jul 23, 2012
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi Everyone,

I have been talking with my banker. I inquired about buying coins and it was suggested for me to get regular rolled coins and sort through them looking for anything of value.

Has anyone tried this and is it worth the effort?

Statistically speaking, if I used $1,000 and got 4,000 quarters, 2,000 half dollars, 10,000 dimes, or 20,000 nickles, would there be anything in there? I can always return the coins (rerolled) and get the initial money back.

Any thoughts on this exercise?


Its tough these days around here...I did good once on a Box of half Dollars. I found 32 90% halves, and most were Franklins. But every box I have purchased since then has had nothing.

I do buy Pennies and Dimes here and there. I found a few Silvers in a box of dimes. Quarters are far and VERY few.

Check out this section of the forum...and you can see how much Competition is out there

Coin Roll Hunting

its gotta be somethign you look at more as a Hobby , then a way to actually "get rich" But just like Detecting. You just never know what is out there

As Diggin said, this is a better question for the Coin Roll Hunting Forum. It is a forum dedicated to that topic.

You may get lucky and you may not. It's dry as a bone around here so I don't waste my time. It really all depends on where you live and how dedicated you are to it. But even with the guys on the CRH forum who seem to bring in a lot of silver, if you really calculated how much they bring in vs how much time they have to be spending they are probably losing money unless they have no other career opportunities available. I'm certainly not rich. But even with my meager wages I'm better off just buying silver than running around all over town trying to find it for face value. If you get a big score it can be fun and worth the time. But big scores are few and far between.

Just like diggin said, it can be a fun hobby. But you will do better for yourself financially if you just stick with a normal job. Long term CRH'ing is like gambling. The house always wins eventually and you end up being the loser. You may win some big pots along the way. But over the long haul you will never come out ahead. If you could, there would be millions of people already doing it.

Been a roll hunter since 1977. I still roll hunt and it's always been strictly a hobby. If you are looking for financial gain, better to get a second job. Sure, there are still finds to be made, I went through $17,000 last year, investing maybe 6 or 7 hours a month in my hobby. My finds for 2013:


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Been a roll hunter since 1977. I still roll hunt and it's always been strictly a hobby. If you are looking for financial gain, better to get a second job. Sure, there are still finds to be made, I went through $17,000 last year, investing maybe 6 or 7 hours a month in my hobby. My finds for 2013:
I'm seeing a lack of silver quarters.



I got this second hand last week. A guy I know in Linden found 600 silver or partial silver haves in one
month buying bags of halves from banks. This guy use to wear out coils detecting in Dallas in the '70s
and 80's and found more than anyone I know. He finally got detector elbow and quit.

I got lucky CRHunting early, 300 plus 40%ers in $500 face value worth of halves. After that I hit it hard for a couple years
and never came close to any score like that again. I then crunched the numbers and came to the conclusion that my time
was better spent scraping iron and other odd job ways of making extra cash, then buy silver when I could find good buys.
Coin roll hunting is an addicting hobby until you realize you can do better doing other things, like garage sales, estate sales,
scraping metals, local auction scores etc. that you can sell and just buy the silver. Nothing against CRH, it's fun, but didn't
pencil out for me after all the trips to the bank, gas money, time spent etc.

Don't get me wrong, I still ask just about every time I go into a bank or credit union if anyone has dumped any halves.
It's just common sense to do so if you know no one in your area is CRH and you might get some grandma's collection.

I got lucky by talking to a lot of local people and found a guy who sold me a pile of silver below spot. Always wanted to
run advertisements in the local paper stating I would buy silver, I think it would work, but I believe it also would take a lot of
running around and more than a few of the people I talked to who had modest silver coin collections thought I was trying
to low ball them or take advantage of them. Now I just scrap a lot and hit all the auctions and a few garage sales and buy
things I know I can a profit on and buy silver that way, my stack is, in my opinion much larger than if I would have stayed
with CRH. Just my opinion, I may be dead wrong!

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I then crunched the numbers and came to the conclusion that my time
was better spent scraping iron and other odd job ways of making extra cash, then buy silver when I could find good buys. Coin roll hunting is an addicting hobby until you realize you can do better doing other things, like garage sales, estate sales, scraping metals, local auction scores etc. that you can sell and just buy the silver. Nothing against CRH, it's fun, but didn't pencil out for me after all the trips to the bank, gas money, time spent etc.

That is exactly why cut down a lot on CRH. Saturday bank hours and yardsale hours are basically the same. When I go in the bank for yardsale money I always ask for halves and big dollars to buy things with. no silver yet. I got my fair share of silver. My best find was a ziplock baggy of "big dollars" that the teller has thrilled to get rid of. Inside was a big handfull of Ikes AND 3 or 4 silver dollars AND 2 silver rounds.

I now buy and scrap cellphones and buy silver coins at yardsales.

I get it, some have to profit with anything they do. That's not a hobby to me.

Profit is relative, if your actions make you happy, is that not some form of a profit to you?

Not putting down anyone's hobby fist. I live in a very rural area and it costs way too much in gas to
dump, unless I dump where I hunt, not a smart thing.

My main hobby is hunting, fishing, etc. I live in pheasant heaven, have dogs, and try to spend my
free time outdoors, living in banks or at the table searching just didn't do it for me .

SoI get my silver fix by hunting in other ways than CRH, it's just my choice.
If I was in a large metro area with tons of banks I would most likely be CRHunting every week.

OP asked...quote "Has anyone tried this and is it worth the effort?"
Didn't see anywhere that he stated anything about a hobby.
Hope it was okay for me to share my experience?

I am definitely not saying anything against CRH, I simply tried it as a form of collecting silver,
and yes, I like to profit when I can.
Hope that doesn't get anyone going sideways.

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