Scuba tanks and surface supplied air is now obselete


Bronze Member
Feb 27, 2004
lake mary florida
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The Like-A-Fish Corporate Mission is to become the leading provider of revolutionary air supply systems that are able to extract air from water, for both the leisure and the professional scuba diving industries, as well as for submarines and underwater habitats.

Corporate Background

Like-A-Fish Technologies was founded in 2001 in order to develop and provide a revolutionary tankless diving gear that is able to extract air from water. The company holds patents in Europe and a pending patent in the U.S.A.

Like-A-Fish Technologies revolutionizes diving technology and marks a breakthrough in the history of diving. The company introduces for the first time in history scuba equipment that extracts air from water.

System Benefits

Longer Bottom Time

Air supply is not restricted to amount of air that can be contained in one tank, only on amount of batteries taken.

No Need for Refills

No need to refill air tanks with diving gas (save money and dependence on dive centers)

Higher Safety & Less Stop Stations

The composition of the air that is extracted from water is enriched with 34% Oxygen (similar to Nitrox), which minimizes the amount of Nitrogen that is inhaled during a dive and thus adds to the safety of a dive.

Constant Bouyancy

With conventional SCUBA gear, a diver's buoyancy changes throughout the dive, as he uses (and thus loses) approximately 4 Kg worth of air. This is not the case with the Company's gear.

Business Opportunity

Since Ancient times man has sought ways to go below the sea level. Aristotle describes the first depictions of underwater devices. The devices Aristotle described resembled a jar turned upside down, in which a diver thrust his head. During his descent to the sea floor, the diver breathed the air that remained inside the jar. In the last 60 years, the technologies for underwater breathing have progressed rapidly.

Despite the enormous developments in diving technologies, the essence of diving technologies has never changed.

Both in the times of Aristotle and nowadays the essence of underwater breathing is to enclose air in a vessel. The air enclosed in the vessel then serves as the air supply for the diver. This technique has several disadvantages. The most obvious disadvantage is the limited air supply and thus the limited bottom time of the diver.


The system can work as a replacement of common 'open diving systems'. However, because of large air and water requirements, the system is best suited for 'closed systems', also known as 'rebreathers'.

Submarines and underwater habitats are private cases of rebreather uses, and where use of the new system would have enormous benefits. Many operations that are now considered to be 'impossible' become within reach when the underwater time of sub sea vehicles becomes virtually unlimited.

The arrival of the new 'Air Independent Propulsion' (AIP) systems in conventional submarines means that the only reason for the submarine to surface every few days will be to replenish the air supply for the crew. The time between resurfaces can be greatly extended when using the new system.

Besides supplying Oxygen for breathing, other uses can be found for utilizing presence of air and Oxygen under the sea.


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Fisheye, thanks for sharing this. Conceptually, a great idea. He will need to design a system that is portable enough for single person use that can process a minimum of 200 liters of water a minute to extract enough oxygen for a person to use each minute. At this point it seems to have more practical application for submersibles or underwater habitat use as opposed to a single diver system. Cool stuff !

I saw a device at the DEMA show 20 years ago that used a "membrane" to extract air from water. Only problem is that it didn't work at depth. This "like-a-fish" device is YEARS from being available to divers if ever. So don't sell your tanks yet!

If this product hits the market and is proven to work at 300+ feet, I will buy one. If it does what they say it can, I'd love to have one. But until such time, I will not get my hopes up and will continue using tanks and surface supplied lines.

This would be a shallow use only item (if it existed). Think about the components of water, and the effect of those components on the human body at depth.

The Like-A-Fish Corporate Mission is to become the leading provider of revolutionary air supply systems that are able to extract air from water, for both the leisure and the professional scuba diving industries, as well as for submarines and underwater habitats.

Corporate Background

Like-A-Fish Technologies was founded in 2001 in order to develop and provide a revolutionary tankless diving gear that is able to extract air from water. The company holds patents in Europe and a pending patent in the U.S.A.

Like-A-Fish Technologies revolutionizes diving technology and marks a breakthrough in the history of diving. The company introduces for the first time in history scuba equipment that extracts air from water.

System Benefits

Longer Bottom Time

Air supply is not restricted to amount of air that can be contained in one tank, only on amount of batteries taken.

No Need for Refills

No need to refill air tanks with diving gas (save money and dependence on dive centers)

Higher Safety & Less Stop Stations

The composition of the air that is extracted from water is enriched with 34% Oxygen (similar to Nitrox), which minimizes the amount of Nitrogen that is inhaled during a dive and thus adds to the safety of a dive.

Constant Bouyancy

With conventional SCUBA gear, a diver's buoyancy changes throughout the dive, as he uses (and thus loses) approximately 4 Kg worth of air. This is not the case with the Company's gear.

Business Opportunity

Since Ancient times man has sought ways to go below the sea level. Aristotle describes the first depictions of underwater devices. The devices Aristotle described resembled a jar turned upside down, in which a diver thrust his head. During his descent to the sea floor, the diver breathed the air that remained inside the jar. In the last 60 years, the technologies for underwater breathing have progressed rapidly.

Despite the enormous developments in diving technologies, the essence of diving technologies has never changed.

Both in the times of Aristotle and nowadays the essence of underwater breathing is to enclose air in a vessel. The air enclosed in the vessel then serves as the air supply for the diver. This technique has several disadvantages. The most obvious disadvantage is the limited air supply and thus the limited bottom time of the diver.


The system can work as a replacement of common 'open diving systems'. However, because of large air and water requirements, the system is best suited for 'closed systems', also known as 'rebreathers'.

Submarines and underwater habitats are private cases of rebreather uses, and where use of the new system would have enormous benefits. Many operations that are now considered to be 'impossible' become within reach when the underwater time of sub sea vehicles becomes virtually unlimited.

The arrival of the new 'Air Independent Propulsion' (AIP) systems in conventional submarines means that the only reason for the submarine to surface every few days will be to replenish the air supply for the crew. The time between resurfaces can be greatly extended when using the new system.

Besides supplying Oxygen for breathing, other uses can be found for utilizing presence of air and Oxygen under the sea.

I'm very doubtful they can make this equipment to weigh less and be less bulky than a rebreather system, or even open circuit, especially since oxygen demand needs are significantly different for a human than a fish. Sounds like a good choice for a backup gas extraction/emergency storage system for subs, etc... instead, provided you can compress and store the extracted gases.

This thing has the potential to become my second favourite. Right after the gadget that's supposed to make a car run on water by generating hydrogen using battery-power.

Nice idea, only problem is that we are not related to fish! There is not enough O in the water for a diver, let alone any other type of human. I suggest anyone that has ordered this great invention, take a scuba class and find out how much air a diver needs.

Yes, I agree, there is not the technology for this at all yet. First of all, if you can take 34% of O2 out of the water, thats good for 120' or so of saltwater depth- Max, or you would have seizures and die. I dont see how they came up with that too. Plus a battery to supply all this would be huge. We dont have that yet. They really need to work on all this to get it down. But they have not worked this out yet. So dont get your wallet out yet! Obviously someone who didnt know anything about this wrote this story.

Limited by tanks, surface suplied or batteries in this case.........still limited. Besides, how long do you really need to stay underwater? At some point you're gonna want to come up and eat, rest , use the head, ect....... A modern rebreather could stay past my limits with current technology.

Anyone can breath underwater without a dive tank or hookah!

All you need to do is shout the magic word "Ali Kazam" just before you jump in wearing the lead weights and hey presto underwater breathing without scuba or hookah air.

I've never had anyone who tried this come back and complain so it must work! :laughing7: :hello2: :thumbsup:

Yup yup yup - the shape shifting lizard aliens made me say that! :wink: ;D

Ohhh... you mean this isn't the psychics mediums and paranormal forum?

Silly me! :D


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