Scratching the Itch


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
Hi gang.... I hope everyone is staying warm, or dry, or comfortable in your own way. This weather we're having across the country, well the globe for that matter, is something else this autumn/winter. It's been rather wet here in my neck of the woods, days and days and days of soggy misty foggy days peppered with drizzle, sleet, and rain.. occasionally quite heavy at times. Today we had a break in the weather. Though the sun never did actually peek out from behind the overcast and clouds still burdened with all that moisture, it didn't actually rain this afternoon. With temperatures dropping, again, from the mid 60's heading down to snowy temps again, I found myself with about two hours to play this afternoon. After nearly two weeks with no chances to get out and detect I was itching to get out and swing the detector a while.
Having dropped my wife off at her Volunteering job, and my detector in the trunk of the car, I headed off to a nearby park. I guess I'm quite fortunate to live in a fair sized city with so many parks to choose from, sometimes it seems like there are too many to choose from though. The park of choice today however, actually it ended up being two different parks but I digress, the park for today's hunt is in a ... well.. uh, "economically challenged" area. Not the kind of place most law abiding citizens with a vested interest in self preservation would even consider checking out after dark, even if the parks were open after dark. Well it wasn't dark, mostly, today, and all the kiddies were still in school so I figured "What the heck?".
Arriving at the park I found it deserted.. {cue the theme music from a spaghetti western} "Weee eee weeee.. waaaa WAAAA waaaa" {picture tumble weeds and sagebrush blowing across the parking lot and playground} <laughing> Actually it was waaaaay to soggy for anything to be blowing across the parking lot and playground except maybe some fog. Parking the car and gearing up with knee pads, Utility belt (digger, extra batteries, finds pouch) and grabbing my Prizm and Bullseye, I decided to check out the tot lot first. Like I said, it was somewhat soggy, to say the least. The woodchips looked a little more appealing than the standing water around the concession stand/bathroom building and the picnic shelter. Oh there was water in the tot lot too.. especially in the "money troughs" under the swingset. <chuckle> Today, the swings looked more like an obstacle in a marine basic training camp.
Wet and soggy or not, I began finding clad right off the bat. Penny here, penny there, dimes, a few nickles, more pennies.. loads of bottle caps and pull tabs of course. I found a few quarters, a child's ring ("junque") looking like it had just come out of the gumball machine. I found a wrist "bangle".. costume jewelery, and a key. Door key I think. Some kid found himself standing outside after loosing that key.. or going to a neighbor's house more likely, till their parent(s) got home. <shrug>
It didn't take long to sweep the tot lot at the first park, I even braved the dryer ground around the shelter and buildings, along the side walks and around the parking lot edges.. on my way back to the car. Brrrr.. wind was getting colder, but I was not ready to call it quits just yet. Just move along to another site and detect some more. I arrived at the second park of the day just as the city maintenance (parks and recreation department) guys were pulling out. They had picked up some fallen tree limbs downed from the recent inclement weather, and emptying the trash cans I suppose. Again, I found myself alone in the park.. well, except for a few dozen tree rats and four big black crows who were fighting over some pizza bones (crusts) that had spilled from a garbage can. Guess the parks guys didn't pick up everything after all. Note, no Spaghetti Western Theme music this time, just the mournful sound of the wet wind in the leafless trees and playground equipment in the tot lot.
More clad, pennies mostly, but some bigger change occasionally as well. More pull tabs and bottle caps, more keys, and a rubber University of Kentucky logo that apparently came off of someone's Licenced Collegiate sportswear.. shoes perhaps? <shrug> I found the valve stem cover from someone's bicycle, and a butter knife of all things. I dropped the knife in the nearest trash can, along with about 7 whole or partial beer cans and soda cans that I dug up. *sigh* And that was just from the wood chips in the tot lot! <rolling eyes> Either the kiddies are pinching dad's beer or dad brought a few to the park to drink while watching the rug rats play. <one raised eyebrow>
The wood chips in this park were soggy too, but at least there were no water pits under the swings here. I found a few quarters and a couple of nickles around the swings in the second park, there were probably coins under the swings at the first park, but I didn't feel like going wading in the cold today. And cold it was becoming, colder I should say. Nothing like the ice and mess that some folks are dealing with a bit farther west right now, but cold enough that I was ready to call it "done" for the day as far as metal detecting goes. Now had it been bright and sunny and not so windy, I might have stuck it out a while longer, but soggy gloomy and cold just don't make for a pleasant experience most days.
My Meager finds for today.. $4.13 in clad, and a handfull of tabs and keys..

12-12-07 015.jpg

Retrieving my dear wife from her Volunteer group, we continued with our day, she had other errands and activities in store for me for the rest of the day. Shopping.. *sigh* yeah yeah yeah, I know it's Christmas time and all that, I'm no Scrooge, but Lord Give Me Strength! The Mall??? more like "the Maul". <shuddering> If I could have avoided it I would have.. LIKE THE PLAGUE!.. but today I had to buck up and muddle through. At least I had the satisfaction of feeling like I had "scratched that itch" to go detecting a while today. No fabulous finds or even big money, but detecting isn't always about what you find, it's in the finding.. kind of like "fishing".. they don't call it "Catching" now do they? <laughing> But it's still nice to make those nice finds or big money hauls from time to time all the same. Probably what keeps most of us out there detecting when we get the chance. But no matter what you find, Have Fun Finding it!

Happy Hunting all


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I know the feeling. Yesterday the forecast was 80 and full sun...Too much to sit & watch Oprah...Wife & I loaded up & headed for the beach. 2 hours later we had a pocketful of memorial pennies & 80 cents in clad. But it felt good to be out in the middle of December!


Thanks for the post. I could just imagine being there. I like the story that goes with your day.

sounds like most of my outings.... i spend more in fuel than what i recover... but it's just the fun in being out there doing it. i don't even mind some of the strange looks i get from time to time.. oh well.. if they tried it once they might be hooked too. lol ;D

Mr. Frodov,

I always enjoy your threads. Ugh, I know how you feel! :D

Keep the passion high!


P.S. You really need to write a book. :D

I liked your story. Made me feel like I was there. You SHOULD right a book though. You have a way with words. Good luck on your next hunt!


Frodov said:
Hi gang.... I hope everyone is staying warm, or dry, or comfortable in your own way. This weather we're having across the country, well the globe for that matter, is something else this autumn/winter. It's been rather wet here in my neck of the woods, days and days and days of soggy misty foggy days peppered with drizzle, sleet, and rain.. occasionally quite heavy at times. Today we had a break in the weather. Though the sun never did actually peek out from behind the overcast and clouds still burdened with all that moisture, it didn't actually rain this afternoon. With temperatures dropping, again, from the mid 60's heading down to snowy temps again, I found myself with about two hours to play this afternoon. After nearly two weeks with no chances to get out and detect I was itching to get out and swing the detector a while.
Having dropped my wife off at her Volunteering job, and my detector in the trunk of the car, I headed off to a nearby park. I guess I'm quite fortunate to live in a fair sized city with so many parks to choose from, sometimes it seems like there are too many to choose from though. The park of choice today however, actually it ended up being two different parks but I digress, the park for today's hunt is in a ... well.. uh, "economically challenged" area. Not the kind of place most law abiding citizens with a vested interest in self preservation would even consider checking out after dark, even if the parks were open after dark. Well it wasn't dark, mostly, today, and all the kiddies were still in school so I figured "What the heck?".
Arriving at the park I found it deserted.. {cue the theme music from a spaghetti western} "Weee eee weeee.. waaaa WAAAA waaaa" {picture tumble weeds and sagebrush blowing across the parking lot and playground} <laughing> Actually it was waaaaay to soggy for anything to be blowing across the parking lot and playground except maybe some fog. Parking the car and gearing up with knee pads, Utility belt (digger, extra batteries, finds pouch) and grabbing my Prizm and Bullseye, I decided to check out the tot lot first. Like I said, it was somewhat soggy, to say the least. The woodchips looked a little more appealing than the standing water around the concession stand/bathroom building and the picnic shelter. Oh there was water in the tot lot too.. especially in the "money troughs" under the swingset. <chuckle> Today, the swings looked more like an obstacle in a marine basic training camp.
Wet and soggy or not, I began finding clad right off the bat. Penny here, penny there, dimes, a few nickles, more pennies.. loads of bottle caps and pull tabs of course. I found a few quarters, a child's ring ("junque") looking like it had just come out of the gumball machine. I found a wrist "bangle".. costume jewelery, and a key. Door key I think. Some kid found himself standing outside after loosing that key.. or going to a neighbor's house more likely, till their parent(s) got home. <shrug>
It didn't take long to sweep the tot lot at the first park, I even braved the dryer ground around the shelter and buildings, along the side walks and around the parking lot edges.. on my way back to the car. Brrrr.. wind was getting colder, but I was not ready to call it quits just yet. Just move along to another site and detect some more. I arrived at the second park of the day just as the city maintenance (parks and recreation department) guys were pulling out. They had picked up some fallen tree limbs downed from the recent inclement weather, and emptying the trash cans I suppose. Again, I found myself alone in the park.. well, except for a few dozen tree rats and four big black crows who were fighting over some pizza bones (crusts) that had spilled from a garbage can. Guess the parks guys didn't pick up everything after all. Note, no Spaghetti Western Theme music this time, just the mournful sound of the wet wind in the leafless trees and playground equipment in the tot lot.
More clad, pennies mostly, but some bigger change occasionally as well. More pull tabs and bottle caps, more keys, and a rubber University of Kentucky logo that apparently came off of someone's Licenced Collegiate sportswear.. shoes perhaps? <shrug> I found the valve stem cover from someone's bicycle, and a butter knife of all things. I dropped the knife in the nearest trash can, along with about 7 whole or partial beer cans and soda cans that I dug up. *sigh* And that was just from the wood chips in the tot lot! <rolling eyes> Either the kiddies are pinching dad's beer or dad brought a few to the park to drink while watching the rug rats play. <one raised eyebrow>
The wood chips in this park were soggy too, but at least there were no water pits under the swings here. I found a few quarters and a couple of nickles around the swings in the second park, there were probably coins under the swings at the first park, but I didn't feel like going wading in the cold today. And cold it was becoming, colder I should say. Nothing like the ice and mess that some folks are dealing with a bit farther west right now, but cold enough that I was ready to call it "done" for the day as far as metal detecting goes. Now had it been bright and sunny and not so windy, I might have stuck it out a while longer, but soggy gloomy and cold just don't make for a pleasant experience most days.
My Meager finds for today.. $4.13 in clad, and a handfull of tabs and keys..

Retrieving my dear wife from her Volunteer group, we continued with our day, she had other errands and activities in store for me for the rest of the day. Shopping.. *sigh* yeah yeah yeah, I know it's Christmas time and all that, I'm no Scrooge, but Lord Give Me Strength! The Mall??? more like "the Maul". <shuddering> If I could have avoided it I would have.. LIKE THE PLAGUE!.. but today I had to buck up and muddle through. At least I had the satisfaction of feeling like I had "scratched that itch" to go detecting a while today. No fabulous finds or even big money, but detecting isn't always about what you find, it's in the finding.. kind of like "fishing".. they don't call it "Catching" now do they? <laughing> But it's still nice to make those nice finds or big money hauls from time to time all the same. Probably what keeps most of us out there detecting when we get the chance. But no matter what you find, Have Fun Finding it!

Happy Hunting all


Great post Frodov...and nice finds.


Nice day. Snow is coming Saturday here. If you can get out then do so... if not then sit tight for spring cometh.

Enjoyed your story... you have a way with words. Writing is a natural ability for you.

Thanks for sharing your experiences at both parks.



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