School Permissions


Jr. Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Golden Thread
Lake Mary, FL
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Tesoro Cibola
i personally dont ask permission to do public schools, but i wont go anywhere near them if school is in session or if the kids are using the fields. i also dont dig on the manicured football field. usually i will go early in the morning on a weekend day. i have done tons of schools and have never even come close to having a problem. i also make sure that i dig really carefull plugs and i dont leave a mess. if you dig ragged holes and dont fill them in, it wont be long before someone complains. private schools on the other hand are an entirely different animal! i wouldnt hunt a private school without written permission.

That's what I was thinking too. I'm used to doing private land on Civil War battlefields, but now since I just moved to Florida, I'll start expanding the types of relics/coins that I am looking for. Thanks for the help!


I usually don't ask permission for places the public is welcome. Just remember to be courteous, fill holes, don't smoke on campus and they usually they don't mind. Just don't show up when school is in session :D I keep lots of garbage on me especially things you shouldn't find in schools, so if people with power trips try to give ya trouble you can show them all the things that you are hauling out of the school. This has helped me on more than one occasion. I recently had a principle try to shoo me off until I showed her all the broken glass I picked up. She kindly smiled and said you're welcome back anytime ;D

It is getting tougher here in FL to even get into the schools as they are going into total lock-down when they are not in session. Some of them look like prisons rather than schools. Mostly because of all the vandalism that is taking place. It's too bad but that is the way it is now days

I believe that to be very true as two of my relatives here in Florida are teachers. Both of their schools, which are public, have double layered fences surrounding them. They also have fences leading up to each door, along with gated windows and such. It's a shame. I don't believe my old schools even locked their doors on the weekend back in Missouri. :-\

BureFreak said:
I believe that to be very true as two of my relatives here in Florida are teachers. Both of their schools, which are public, have double layered fences surrounding them. They also have fences leading up to each door, along with gated windows and such. It's a shame. I don't believe my old schools even locked their doors on the weekend back in Missouri. :-\

What's the world coming too?

I won't say, "if parents would show more interest in their children than to use them as pawns for more welfare, we'd have a better world".

I promise....I won't say it.


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