I know.. I think a lot has to do with the very loose and well draining sand I found it in.
Here is a few other finds from the area... oops..sorry for the repeats.
Also.. I believe now that it is a dagger sheath.
Thanks guys yes it is a match safe I believe.. I haven't even attempted to ID the emblem yet.
Seems I started finding things all at once.. I'm actually busy on a shipwreck artifact that has my hands full at the moment.
Thank you... the button thing I think you're referring to is a lead bail or cloth seal the letters on it are F. E. C. They stand for Florida East Coast Railroad.
I think that's the throat, not the tip, of the scabbard, for a Fraternal sword like Knights of Columbus, Masons, etc. If you do a search for those swords, you can probably match up the design of the frog attachment for the baldric.