safari vs. f75ltd does anyone know????


Sr. Member
Sep 23, 2005
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Golden Thread
North Carolina
Detector(s) used
garrett gtp 1350
Re: safari vs. f75ltd

I have no actual experience with these detectors, but I just came from a seminar and they showed us the Safari and Etrac and how to use them. Maybe for some it would be easy to learn, but what I have seen on the F75, that is what I would be buying. The guy giving the seminar was very good, but it was over my head in no time. But then I use a Whites MXT and Tesoro Tejon for relics because I like simplicity. You tube has some good video on the set up and operation of these detectors. Good luck

Re: safari vs. f75ltd

is there anyone here that knows where i could find a head to head comparison of these two detectors?

Relic hunting is going to be beep and dig so id'ing is not an issue with either one but I would bet that the Safari goes a little deeper expecially in mineralized ground or clay.

If you want to know a silver coin from a virtically crushed soda can then the Safari can tell you that even at 8-10". The coin will read 38 if it is flat and the can a 35 with a slightly different tone I have not noticed an ID change because of depth with my Safari except at the final edge of detection depth.

If you intend to detect anywhere near powerlines be leery about the F75, I hear they are very susceptible to EMI where as with the Safari throws out EMI to other detectorists near you!

Where the F75 will be a delight is it's weight or lack there of. Much lighter than a Safari and proably a much easier to move in and around objects.

But the Safari kicks butt in Relic hunting and is unreal at the beach but I do get worn out after 5 - 6 hours of swinging it around and I'm in good shape.

So you might want to try them both out before laying out a grand for either one.

Personally I believe nothin beats a Minelab, if you want the best, that's what you get plain and simple end of story.

Course, that is if you can get one and okay with the weight. There are serious backorders for Minelabs due to high demand lately.

If your going to check out First Texas also check out an Omega 8000 with an 11" DD.

go with the f75 no doubt. its awsome. and if you get close to any power lines, its simple just turn down the sens. a little bit.

I have owned an Explorer 2 and an Se Pro with the extra coils and in my opinion the Minelabs are the most overhyped machines ever manufactured. Any machine you buy has a learning curve and if you take the time to learn them you'll do well. The Minelabs are deep but not depth demons, the older Fisher CZ's have as much or more depth plus they are so simple to use and the tones are pleasing to the ears. The Minelabs play a freaking symphony in your ear and they do not lock onto targets like other machines do. The Fisher F series detectors are noisy too but when they hit a target they lock on and you can tell its a target worth investigating. Fisher,Teknetics,Whites,Garrett and Tesoro detectors lock onto targets the Minelabs play those musical tunes all over the ground and after a while you'll find something good and think you've got it figured out (not). They may be great to other folks but I've wasted enough time on such a slow noisey detector. Did I mention it was slooooow slooooow. You'll cover 10 feet while others have thouroughly hunted an area. Its like your stuck in the mud. Sorry for the rambling. I noticed another post from someone in North Carolina. I'm from North Carolina also and I just wanted you to know not everyone loves the Explorer's.

I had quite a few detectors that I used maybe 3 or 4 of each brand.The tesoro's are light and great and fast but in the bigger machines,as soon as you open the box on a minelab you know you are at the top in that price range.
I had the sovereign XS, the terra 70 and the xterra 705 which was just a little bit better than the 70.
When it came to the Safari you could set up several programs and in disc mode it was good but in Prospector mode-forget it.
I would have dug up my entire yard and I mean it. It picked up everything since the house was built in 1916-even found some small caches of nails where the carpenters must have sat down for lunch I never had the sovereign gt or the Etrac but that Safari was great but like everybody does I wanted to try something else and I don't think I will find something better until maybe the etrac. Nothing wrong with that,at least I know from experience and not from what I read.You might be a little overwhelmed at first by it because there is a lot to learn on the upper end machines but once you see the safari and the quality of it you will like it.
Just take your time with it.
Get that book from Andy because it has a few tricks you can do with the Safari.
There isn't any perfect detector out there-If there was we would all have them. Most machines are good for 4 or 5 inces then after that you have to have a pretty good machine to help you out and go deep but you will have to parctice a lot with it to know what it is telling you. Some guys who really know their machines well will blow you away but the more you use it and learn it=that will disappear and you will be good but it takes time.

Goodluck to you

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