Rock wall


Jr. Member
Feb 22, 2019
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Golden Thread
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Was wondering how old do you think this could be and what was it. Used for 20180324_175759_Film3.webp

Maybe totally unrelated walls but we have a few rock walls on my family property. One keeps the cows off the road others just divide old property lines. Story is a man and his two “simple” sons were in the area years ago building them. Nobody really knows more than that. Considering people in their 80’s and 90’s don’t really know I’d say maybe 1920’s on the new end and couldn’t be before 1860’s when the area was open to settlement. About a similar height and construction. Hopefully that helps some, like I said could be a totally different story with yours.

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It may be civil war related if you're in the right area. From Reseca, down to Atlanta, and then down to Savannah is where the Union Army travelled. Rock walls stop bullets really well. Gary

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Sometimes it was just something to do with all the field rock found on the farm?

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They stop arrows too. If it's a short length of wall there might be an old cabin next to it.

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How long? How tall? How thick? Sort of looks like an old barn foundation from what I can see.

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This wall is near a historic maker from the civil war the north walked down the road this place is on bethsaida rd but im think it is a old barn i looked at old areal photos of fulton county from 1932 and i could make out what looked like a farmsted or something like that but here is more photos just cause but thank you everyone20180324_175939_Film3.webp20180324_175840_Pano.webp20180324_175746_Film3.webp

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I am confused by this thread.. :dontknow:

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Get digging around it. Based on what you find you can get a pretty good idea of how old it is.

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Depending on how large it is, if it has only one opening, it might be a Town Pound. Loose livestock would be put into the pound for collection by their owner.

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