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I have to disagree. This is not really a concretion in a geological sense. Concretions form by mineral precipitation around a nucleus or in the spaces between multiple nuclei.
It’s a ‘breccia’, which is a rock composed of broken fragments of other rocks which have become cemented together by a fine-grained matrix. You can see that those fragments are angular, which is what distinguishes it from a conglomerate, where the fragments have become rounded by erosion before they get cemented together.
When the fragments are all of the same rock type, we call them ‘monomict’ and when they are from two or more different rock types, we call them ‘polymict’. So that’s a ‘polymict breccia’.
Assuming your ‘Brighton’ location means Brighton on the south coast of England and that’s the beach on which you found it, then it will likely have come from elsewhere. Most of the ‘native’ cobbles and pebbles on the beach are flints and quartzites that have come out of the chalk and sandstone cliffs, but material continually comes in from elsewhere by ‘longshore drift’. The Council has also imported supplementary material from further west at various times to bolster the sea defences.