I was young at the time, he was only about 6-7 years older than I. From what I remember, he and 2 of his friends went out to do some hunting from a duck blind in a small jon boat, in early Nov. back in '73. A winter storm came up and pulled them out into the bay, all 3 died from exposure. There was a half assed Coast Guard search, but they didn't start the search till the day after they were reported missing (no night searches back then I guess??). Then, they only searched for the one day. They were found 3 days later about 100 miles away on the other side of the bay by a passing vessel. The three of them were all huddled together. One boy shivered so hard the he literally bit a hole through his lip. It was a terrible tragedy. If this had happened nowadays, they more than likely would have been found.