Bronze Member
Has any one out there tried to get permission to MD at a horse riding stable before? One done the road from me is always having horse shows and I figured these ladies might be losing stuff when they are getting their horses ready or standing around chatting about this and that. Paid a visit on a Saturday but was informed that manager worked only Monday thru Friday, asked for her name and phone number so I could call her during the week. Got a chance to call last week but was informed that several MDers had asked for permission already and had to turn them away for we dig holes. Stated that I back fill all my diggings but her response was "this makes the ground soft and if a horse stepped on a soft spot it could twist its ankle. I was raised around horses all my life and horses step on soft ground all of the time when your out trail riding so I was not sure where she was coming from. I thanked her any way and hung up.
What is your impression and thoughts?
What is your impression and thoughts?