
Bronze Member
Jan 21, 2018
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I see you remote viewers/dowsers requesting “rewards”.

Anybody care to provide an example where you received a “reward”? I.e. someone found something valuable based on the information you provided?

Almost seems like giving out Keno numbers for free and requesting a reward if they hit? Pretty good gig if you can get it.

Genuinely interested to hear about great success that was shared. No need to provide names or coordinates.

PS I’m a firm believer in physical dowsing using rods or a forked branch. Remote dowsing has me doubtful.

I personally don't ask for rewards. Once a person from Italy sent me an old Roman coin. He had the best year ever, mentioned the map dowsing source in thread, posted many finds in photos and ended up in best of TN. I only have photos of gold coins found (nobody is willing it seems to share gold found, only pics). If they did it would be a first time ever. I'm really skeptical when someone offers payment privately in PMs or tries to get to accept that when I didn't ask for it. I never ask and to me a red flag if pressured to accept money payments. Besides scammers, law enforcement and federal agents hang out online.

It is possible to have 5 dowsers mark the same spot. Tim who had the digger show often got those results using multiple dowsers privately by email. Are all of them map dowsing or getting a psychic reading on the first dowser's hit? I like to think it can work.

I don't have a problem with anyone publicly offering a reward, it is the private scammers who worry me.

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I personally don't ask for rewards. Once a person from Italy sent me an old Roman coin. He had the best year ever, mentioned the map dowsing source in thread, posted many finds in photos and ended up in best of TN. I only have photos of gold coins found (nobody is willing it seems to share gold found, only pics). If they did it would be a first time ever. I'm really skeptical when someone offers payment privately in PMs or tries to get to accept that when I didn't ask for it. I never ask and to me a red flag if pressured to accept money payments. Besides scammers, law enforcement and federal agents hang out online.

It is possible to have 5 dowsers mark the same spot. Tim who had the digger show often got those results using multiple dowsers privately by email. Are all of them map dowsing or getting a psychic reading on the first dowser's hit? I like to think it can work.

I don't have a problem with anyone publicly offering a reward, it is the private scammers who worry me.
Interesting. Thanks for replying.

I once did a phone interview with Uri Geller (at least that’s what I recall) as well as a well known remote dowser that worked with Saudi oil companies. It was part of a grade school science paper.

I heard something said on a social media live stream recently about a government program to investigate psychics. Before I say anymore, I'll need to do some research to make sure it is not misinformation. Supposedly the current administration cancelled this federal program.

Back in 2016-17 I went to a family reunion my father's side on the east coast. Talking with 2 of my cousins the one mentioned he had tried out for the FBI. The qualification standards are so high that he wasn't able to get it.

I heard something said on a social media live stream recently about a government program to investigate psychics. Before I say anymore, I'll need to do some research to make sure it is not misinformation. Supposedly the current administration cancelled this federal program.
The government has been doing psychic research for decades, mostly for military purposes.

From what I understand it started because Russia was doing it.

I personally don't ask for rewards. Once a person from Italy sent me an old Roman coin. He had the best year ever, mentioned the map dowsing source in thread, posted many finds in photos and ended up in best of TN. I only have photos of gold coins found (nobody is willing it seems to share gold found, only pics). If they did it would be a first time ever. I'm really skeptical when someone offers payment privately in PMs or tries to get to accept that when I didn't ask for it. I never ask and to me a red flag if pressured to accept money payments. Besides scammers, law enforcement and federal agents hang out online.

It is possible to have 5 dowsers mark the same spot. Tim who had the digger show often got those results using multiple dowsers privately by email. Are all of them map dowsing or getting a psychic reading on the first dowser's hit? I like to think it can work.

I don't have a problem with anyone publicly offering a reward, it is the private scammers who worry me.
Finding something worth with help of someone,why not reward them.....

I see you remote viewers/dowsers requesting “rewards”.

Anybody care to provide an example where you received a “reward”? I.e. someone found something valuable based on the information you provided?

Almost seems like giving out Keno numbers for free and requesting a reward if they hit? Pretty good gig if you can get it.

Genuinely interested to hear about great success that was shared. No need to provide names or coordinates.

PS I’m a firm believer in physical dowsing using rods or a forked branch. Remote dowsing has me doubtful.
Your right..

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