OK, I used to play around with metal detecting when I was around 16 - 18yrs old. Now, I'm getting back into it and my new detector just came in today. I got it at about 3pm and had to leave around 5:30pm for some thing that my wifes work so not much time to get familiar with the unit or anything, I just HAD to try it out.
Well, I went out to my yard, where I knew that they had been a garage at one time and started looking. I only got to look for about 20 minutes but I did find something.
Some sort of metal disc (or could have been and achor pin)
A piece of a wheel weight
1975 Lincoln Cent.
Actually the penny was the VERY FIRST THING I found with it and I was excited even though its not old. I was just happy that the detector seemed to work properly and I DID find something and it was right where it should have been.
Now all I gotta do it wait another week to get a day off so I can go again!!!! (or maybe I can get in an hour or two after work on Sunday).
Anyway, I'm hooked again!
Well, I went out to my yard, where I knew that they had been a garage at one time and started looking. I only got to look for about 20 minutes but I did find something.
Some sort of metal disc (or could have been and achor pin)
A piece of a wheel weight
1975 Lincoln Cent.
Actually the penny was the VERY FIRST THING I found with it and I was excited even though its not old. I was just happy that the detector seemed to work properly and I DID find something and it was right where it should have been.
Now all I gotta do it wait another week to get a day off so I can go again!!!! (or maybe I can get in an hour or two after work on Sunday).
Anyway, I'm hooked again!