Platinum Member
I was given this iron gate from my cuz. It was given to her many years ago by our uncle, who is deceased. RIP. He was a general contractor/home builder in the Dayton, Oh area. I have tried looking up the name and the company. The closest I could get was Dayton Fence Company, but I couldn?t find any history on it. I have a book on the history of Dayton dated 1909 and couldn?t find anything, either. So, I think that would indicate the company came about after 1909. Now the name, B. Semmelmann, would that be the owner of the company? Or is it the name of whose residence this gate was an entry to? It is a gate to a residence, isn?t it? Any information would be greatly appreciated!
How do you clean the rust off of something so big? Should I leave it? Spray paint it? Coat it with something else?
How do you clean the rust off of something so big? Should I leave it? Spray paint it? Coat it with something else?