I do easily! I t was a 1946 walking liberty half I pulled out of a well hunted park with a pioneer505.After I found it I think I hunted another 5 min.and drove home and woke up my fiance!How about you? any first silver stories?
My first silver was a mercury dime found in my own yard within 20 minutes of buying my first detector and getting it home. I couldn't wait to get outside and try it. I also found my first gold in the same yard under the clothesline...it was the top of an old cufflink with very ornate engraving. I found lots of stuff in my own yard and quite a bit of it was silver. Jim Cal
1874 or 76 seated liberty dime in fine condition. I found it in an old lazyboy recliner on the dump when I was a kid. I figured that maybe the old chair would have change in it. Boy was I right!!! It would be years later before I found my next one. A merc. Gotta love it Jason
i was about 10 and my dad had given me a radio shack detector we were at a construction site and he asked to use it. i walked around looking for anything on the ground. i found a 1912 d barber dime and a 1873 ih he did'nt find anything it took 25 years for the fever to resurface that barber is still my favorite find
My first was a 64 Rosie that I didnt know I had until the next day. Me and a buddy had searched around 2 old houses that were getting ready to be torn down to make way for a grocery store. I searched the back of one while he searched the front.
There was a cement walkway from the back door and for 5 hrs I didnt get 15-20ft of either side of it. It was like someone had thrown change out the back door. I ended up finding 91 coins and 3 rings. My legs hurt for 3 days from all the squatting to dig. It was so muddy that day and I was just sticking the finds in my pocket. When I got home I emptied it out....or so I thought....and cleaned what I had found.
The next day when I got home from work, I sit down by the washer in the laundy room to smoke and noticed a penny and a dime on top of the dryer. I thought the dime looked a little odd and upon picking it up saw it was a silver 64. My wife said it was in the pocket of the jeans I had worn the day before. I guess with all the mud, it had stuck inside my pocket.
But my best silver was my second silver find. The 1911 Barber dime to the left.
I'm still looking for my first silver! I had a 1944 quarter I kept in my wallet sorta' as a good luck charm since it was the year of my birth. Wel, I lost it somewhere and hope I will find it again among the clad in my yard, which is the most likely place to look. When and if I do I'll post it. Some good luck charm huh? I lost the darn thing!
Mine was a 1925 St. Liberty quarter (nothing special by any numismatic standard) it was in VG condition but, the sight of that larger shinny silver piece poping out of the ground for a (what was at the time- a 15 yr old kid!?) Priceless! I'll never forget it
I found two Mercury dimes in the same yard of a 1920s house the same day. They were a 1943 and a 1945 both in good condition. My third time out detecting.