Reid bill would require background checks to purchase black powder

Aug 20, 2009
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Reid bill would require background checks to purchase black powder

By Pete Kasperowicz - 04/24/13 09:19 AM ET

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Tuesday introduced a bill that would require background checks to be run on anyone buying explosive powder, a reaction to last week's Boston Marathon bombing.

Reid introduced the bill, S. 792, for Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who has been out sick for much of the year. But in a press statement, Lautenberg said the Boston bombing shows that background checks are needed for explosive materials.

"It defies common sense that anyone, even a terrorist, can walk into a store in America and buy explosive powders without a background check or any questions asked," Lautenberg said Tuesday. "Requiring a background check for an explosives permit is a small price to pay to ensure the safety of our communities.

Under current law, people can buy up to 50 pounds of explosive "black powder" with no background check, and can buy unlimited amounts of other explosive powders, such as "black powder substitute" and "smokeless powder."

Lautenberg's bill would require a background check for the purchase of any of these powders.

It would also let the attorney general stop the sale of explosives if a background check shows the applicant is a known or suspected terrorist, and if there is a belief the explosives will be used for terrorism.

It would also require a permit to make homemade explosives, and direct the government to study how to better trace the use of explosive powders.

Read more: Reid bill would require background checks to purchase explosives - The Hill's Floor Action
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Its true, I just read up on it, and wrote my reps opposing it. There are so many ways to make bombs that this bill will only affect law abiding people. Why are they so stupid?

So how much can i sit on before i,m a threat? Sure i,d make the news just having several pounds. Another stale issue,trying to add tags in powder. Can,t wait till gas is an as needed with permit. A permit all ways makes things controllable. The list of recipes and ingredients needs a permit required too dang it. Landscaping companies selling rocks with no background checks needs to be fixed also. One rock can create serious mayhem. Its all in how its applied. Where and when.

If people are dedicated to murder, then they will make their own propellant.

I guess folks will no longer be able to make their own gun powder if it requires a permit. I remember making it when I was in Jr High. Didn't even use the internet for a recipe! :) I guess if making explosives will now require a permit, the bomb making will stop!:icon_scratch:

Yep, 2013. Now you can use the internet to make a million types of explosives. You can also see how to make a handgun for $15 worth of parts from Home Depot. Your point?

Packer, did you just show a progressive that time has advanced? Most of them are clinging to a belief that the future holds the answer to all ills, and they ignore the new dangers that go along with it because it would make their theories crumble.

Hmm, progressive thought caught in a repetitive chain. Packer you just defined the anachronistic tendancies of the progressives, If they did not personally try it then it did not count! And if they did, they did it the wrong way and this time will be better.

Yep, I see it all now. The supply of ammo has dried up, you can't legally purchase or store black powder without the Govt's ok, and next you won't be able to fertilize your lawn, because ammonian nitrate in all fertilizers is banned.

If your shortsightedness sees this as the future, many are in for a rude awakening, for those who are ignorant of history, are condemned to relive it.

Perhaps the famous Vermonter, Ethan Allen said it best when in conflict with government entities; He would not bow to their arbitrary power, but would " Retreat to the depths of the Green Mountains and wage war on humanity" Now before you go off on me, think about this: America was founded on a basis of freedom, liberty, and the rule of law. That does not equate to finding the solution to every problem that arises by passing new and more restricting legislation to make you feel good, and make people think you are doing your job! Like Ethan Allen, I would much rather prefer to live free, and prosper by my own hands, and be left alone. The Govt. has it's hands too deep in my pockets, and at some point Big Brother needs to grow up and leave home!

I don't think this has legs, Because those on that side of the aisle mite think restricting Black Powder will take jobs away from the cosmetics industry.:laughing7:

By landscaper buddy just stopped by and sprayed my lawn for weeds. I'm pretty sure he had some fertilizer in his truck, well I was scared,and started shaking.
Should I call the cops?

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