Now, if you go to PAINT, open up your picture.
Then, click on "Image" (in your Paint file), and it will open up a drop-down menu that says "flip/rotate - and then "resize/skew". Click on the "resize/skew".
It will open another menu that says "horizontal/vertical" and will have a value of 100%. If you want to make the image smaller, make the number less than the 100 - if you want it larger, make the number more that 100 (we usually need to make them smaller.
Make sure you make them even - if you make the 100 an 80, in horizontal, make it 80 in the vertical box. Then click on "ok".
You can save the picture at that size,(click "save") or you can make it a separate picture, click "save as" and rename it.
If you didn't like the results, BEFORE YOU SAVE IT, click "edit" (on the paint program) and then a drop down menu will appear, and then click "undo", it will bring the picture back to the original.