Rain was dripping me in SILVER!!!


Bronze Member
Jan 2, 2013
🥇 Banner finds
Finally got a chance to post my hunt from yesterday, My MIRACLE MILE TEAROUT has finally stopped giving its treasure. (Post on this soon)After my dollar find found only a few more mercs on Saturday so on Sunday I got up and its raining hoping it would slow down I drove to a area where I have hunted before with little success so I said lets try again. Used to be a small motel built back in the 20's and was closed and fenced off in the last 5-8 years with basically 2 dirt areas about12'×15'. With high hopes and rain slowing I started getting hits where I tried and missed last visit, I thought wow the rain is helping the coins hit. 10 min. In dug a nice bouncy sinal on a fence line and out popped a nice 45 Liberty Half! I thought great start, not 3 steps later a 42 Merc and inches from that a 50 Rosie. I was screaming inside not a great part of town to draw attention to yourself, than within 15 min. I dug 18 wheat cents, sorry no pics soaking in oil. Than the flood gates opened up and it started raining so bad I had to call it a day, best short hunt I ever had. Cant wait for Sat. To come still have the other area to search. Crossin my fingers for more silver.











Upvote 8
Great finds! And looks like hard dirt to dig. :icon_shaking2:

Awesome! congrats.

Great finds! And looks like hard dirt to dig. :icon_shaking2:

Las Vegas dirt is 75% like this, thats why i Iove tearouts here so much, they do all the hard diggin for me. The other 20% is sandy and the other 5% is a rich dark soil mostly in the older yards here. These are some of the cleanest silvers I have dug lately, usally real dark tone on them.

nice finds congrats HH

Man. Way to go. The rain helped me today too. Made the hard ground a lot easier to dig. We don't get a lot in AZ but I didn't let it dampen my day.

Man. Way to go. The rain helped me today too. Made the hard ground a lot easier to dig. We don't get a lot in AZ but I didn't let it dampen my day.

I hear ya, we both need the wet, I forget what its like to dig in not blistering heat.

Looks like some nicely dug fresh silver. Life is good! Good luck.

Nice finds! still looking for my first silver.

Nothing like big silver. I love finding half dollars. Way to go!

Great finds for a spot a lot of people might pass up.

nice half. that dirt looks about like it is here..... like concrete

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