Silver Member
I got these in a freepile in front of a house last year . It's funny, because the guy was still bringing stuff out when I was loading them , and he warned me that he just got them in an other freepile - and his wife hated them -and they had to go!
I brought them home and Mrs. mojjax loves them . They have been hanging in our livingroom ever since .
It's some sort of layered material all hand stitched . I'm guessin it's a souvenir item from south of the border . Is there a special name for this type of work ?
I brought them home and Mrs. mojjax loves them . They have been hanging in our livingroom ever since .
It's some sort of layered material all hand stitched . I'm guessin it's a souvenir item from south of the border . Is there a special name for this type of work ?