
Gene Slater

Jr. Member
Nov 12, 2012
I know the old saying gold is where you find it. I am in the Memphis area. I recently found out one of the creeks here was formed 14 thousand years ago by glacial run off. Does anyone have experience/knowledge or advice on how or if I should check this out? The creek is called Nonconahh Creek and they have found mastidon bones in it. In all my research on the creek, there is no mention of gold being found. That is not saying that folks have looked. Thoughts?

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Gene id do some test panning and get a dredge in there and find out for sure! i know its a little "cold" right now, but you could get all the priliminary(maps,probibal locations/access,written permission,etc) stuff out of the way now before spring. get someone to go in with you and make some hay!

Dredging up Mastodon bones could be just as good as dredging for gold, lol.

It's always worth a look. Also you may get some more information on any mining done in the area at your local museums.

I didn't think the glaciers made it down that far, you talking about Tennessee?

Wing, yes...Tennessee. Going to check it out before the snakes start slithering. All ive read about it says it was a glacial run off creek.

I know the big rivers will, but if its in smaller creeks then the gold is coming from a vein instead of glacial melt as I'm pretty sure no glaciers made it that far. Hope you find a lot of good gold.

Imho, as a guy who has been doing more studying than panning so far, if you're in the ancient flood valley of the Mississippi, you could possibly find a small creek that cuts through glacial outwash that has since been buried. Check the gravel with common creek gravel make-up of the area, see if you can find something that may have came from Canada. Pay attention to what may be washing out of the banks and where bedrock shows up.

most streams have a trace of glacial gold,that far south even, but it will be flour gold and it will be SPOTTY,and what i mean by that is ,the gold that is there is a (set) amount ,no source to replenish it,so it will collect in certian spots ,but will not be despursed through out the creek gravels,so a stream in a glacial drianage area will appear to be barren,when in fact it is not,the same rules apply to glacial areas with regards to gold deposition , only you will not have a (trail) to follow,as in out west or in the south,where you can test an find follow the gold to good areas, the gold will only be in good areas, large cobble/boulders, in pa i have chased many streams here for glacial gold and this is what i have come to understand, i've tested streams, and nothing not even trace amounts that you can see,but being persistent, telling myself (i know its here),eventualy i did find it, it only moves in extreme water events, but will collect in the same areas as out west, watch for large well rounded rocks,but seemingly piled up like a dozer pushed them,and ones with a mixture of colors to the rocks,this will be glacial till,and when exploring those boulders ,watch for strat color changes , you will see then where the recent stuff has deposited on top of the old glacial stuff, also when these streams were carrying glacial run off,they were much bigger, so with that in mind look to the benches,the current stream may seem barren ,but where it was 12000 yrs ago it may not have been..

i have this app on my phone that shows known placer/mining area that have produced gold. maybe this will help a little.


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Better check TN laws before you do anything! I hear they are tough.

well i think it is. if i remember correctly i could pay one larger amount ($29.99 or something) to get all the mineral mined. but i only payed like .99¢ or $1.99 just for the gold. the apps shows all known and some unknown or unnamed placers/ occurrence and mines. any that has produced gold it will also tell you what elsewas produced out of the same mine as gold, here are some samples. plus i like how it give coordinate for them plus all the technical stuff. plus its almost like google earth. you can change it to satellite view. i found one that im going to go check out this summer and its at 13,640 above sea level. (not that im going to go into the mine) i want to search around the sight. and sluice the head waters. this mine area is in the middle of a wilderness area and its a good 8to10 miles from any road. im sure that the entrance has been covered with rock from snow slides but there is some structures i want to search.


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Cool app Tweeta, thanks for sharing! One caution, the database used probably lacks modern claim data so you can't assume land is open just because there are no claims shown.

That said, since no new claims are allowed in a Wilderness Area, you are pretty safe with your sluice and pan there. Just remember, no mechanical devices in a wilderness area: no bikes, no carts, nothing with moving parts to speak of...although some say detectors are ok since other electronics are allowed.

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oh i know but it gives me one hell of a starting point.
definitely, it rocks to have an app version of this that's easy to use! The app I've used up to now is a total pain to use.

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