question for Feinstein


Gold Member
May 11, 2005
Northern California
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
A few years back you decided to make digging tunnels from Mexico into the US a crime. Apparently there wasn't a law against digging tunnels so the perps were just charged with drug conspiracy crimes. Thing is, you didn't make shovels illegal did you? Why not? That is what they used to commit the "crime". They dug tunnels with shovels. You didn't limit them to digging with spoons or sandbox shovels and you didn't outlaw backhoes. You didn't make border areas "Shovel Free Zones". What you did was introduce a bill making digging or financing the digging of tunnels under the border a federal crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison. A property owner that took part could also face prison time. Why the double standard when it comes to guns? Make gun crimes, federal crimes. I don't care, I don't commit crimes with my guns so it won't effect me. Wouldn't just outlawing shovels within 1/4 mile of the border take care of the problem?

That might work! It just might.

Got another question my dear, if it was an undocumented citizen caught in the tunnel with directions to the nearest welfare office, would they still be charged with a federal crime? If so, why can't we arrest the people crossing the border by other means and charge them with federal crimes instead of feeding them and giving them a ride back to the border? Try to be equal in your lawmaking.

progressive, It's a bad word.

Banning shovels? What would the silver surfer (Changed from the word king Offensive to some) do? He needs one the shovel his ship down our throats.
Also how would he cover up all his screw ups?:laughing7:

Good point Packerbacker! The point of the laws against guns is not to stop gun crimes but rather take the guns and disarm the American people. If this witch put just half the energy into stopping career welfare receivership as she does into taking guns the country would be far better off!!!!

The question I would like to ask these politicians who want to limit and remove our rights granted under the constitution, and take the best means of defending our family and property, is why they all need their armed bodyguards and security details? Surely they can't be afraid of their law-abiding citizens who elected them to an office that enhances their bank accounts and drains ours.

Stephen Hawking may have been right when they announced a theory on parallel universes, seems once they are elected, they walk through that stargate and amount to nothing. Back to reality: We have certain non-negoationable right's that the founding fathers fought over to make sure that the nation they were starting lasted forever for all it's citizens. Is it too much to ask that our elected officials, sworn to uphold and protect said Constitution, do what they were elected to do, and not constantly try to change and get around the provisions that are the guidelines for our freedoms. When other employees can't, or won't do their assigned tasks, they are down the road counting mailboxes, It's time that these politicians in DC, have the same fear. Thank's for letting me rant!

I don't think many of them could count higher than two mailboxes...

The question I would like to ask these politicians who want to limit and remove our rights granted under the constitution, and take the best means of defending our family and property, is why they all need their armed bodyguards and security details? Surely they can't be afraid of their law-abiding citizens who elected them to an office that enhances their bank accounts and drains ours.

Stephen Hawking may have been right when they announced a theory on parallel universes, seems once they are elected, they walk through that stargate and amount to nothing. Back to reality: We have certain non-negoationable right's that the founding fathers fought over to make sure that the nation they were starting lasted forever for all it's citizens. Is it too much to ask that our elected officials, sworn to uphold and protect said Constitution, do what they were elected to do, and not constantly try to change and get around the provisions that are the guidelines for our freedoms. When other employees can't, or won't do their assigned tasks, they are down the road counting mailboxes, It's time that these politicians in DC, have the same fear. Thank's for letting me rant!

Well said GMD.

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