awhile back someone wanted to see my quartz point,cant remember who but i have found it.i did not find it myself it came with a collection of rocks i bought at an estate sale. jamey
sorry tn ,i just had a few things to throw in my picture.the tooth i found,the green knife looking flint i found last year the big flint tool i bought in watertown at the mile long garage sale they have every year off a guy they call turtle.he had some cool stuff,i bought a axe looking thing made by an indian recently with huge shark s teeth in it.i really need to get a new camera cant tell what it is going to look like untill i put it on the computer the lcd is broke,darn caves.hunting is back on my mind,im going to have too come down with the flu pretty soon. jamey
Both were clearly modified to be, and used as tools.
With bi-polar reduction (split cobbles) it's hard to come up with a probable age. When cobble chert was what they had, cobble chert is what they used, and the reduction technique didn't change over time.
I'd say that, in light of the high-angle edge modification on it, your bigger piece might have been a crude but adequate limace.
thank you molly for the id,i aways enjoy your posts and love the name molly.uniface i think you also,but it might take me some time to really know what you said,its people like you that makes me post my finds and if you keep it up i will send ya something from tenn for your time thank you again everyone. jamey