Hi y'all! I have an Infinium waayy up here in B.C. The ground I hunt is extremely hot & full of iron (nails), at least where I'm hunting right now. At present it's too cold to prospect up in the mountains, so I'm breaking up the ice on the lake & detecting for rings, coins, etc. One thing I've found with the Infinium is that it's excellent for detecting in these conditions. The mineralization is so extreme here that anything deeper than abt. 5" reads as iron. I've used many detectors here (MXT, LST, GTI 1500, Toltec 2, Golden Sabre, Pantera, CZ 6a, Sovereign, Cobra 2, Goldstrike, and more) and it holds true regardless of VLF make. Either I dig up the deep iron, or just stick with surface stuff. Enter the Infinium. I've been using it now for a couple of weeks & have been making deep finds in areas that, to use that old chestnut, "have been pounded". No joke; I've been finding stuff in places which see up to 5-6 detectorists EVERY DAY during the summer. My latest find being a buffalo nickle at about a foot. The nice thing about it is by advancing the disc. to about 4 and digging the hi/lo tones I'm pulling up way less Iron than the VLF's and finding things that the VLF's have passed over. I'll be using it for prospecting in the spring and, for the type of nuggetshooting I do, it should be superior to the Minelab PI's. A friend of mine was also using an Infinium up in Alaska's Brooks range (highly mineralized with a ground reading of 86 on the MXT) & he found some fantastic nuggets. From what I've seen (limited to the SD 2200d & Infinium), I've been more impressed by the Garrett unit, which is why I've laid out the beans to buy one. I think it's more of an all-purpose unit than the Minelab PI's & a more than capable nugget machine, especially now that the optional coils are available (I have all 5). The interesting thing I've found is that, with the disc. (delay) advanced to around 6, silver dimes will respond with a low tone without losing thinner gold rings. Yet again, this I'd will hold at depth. All current Canadian change will I'd as a low conductor at about 4 while knocking out small foil, large iron (low/hi tone), and some really small iron. This while retaining sensitivity to thin gold rings. If a person already has an MXT, I'd say "Get an Infinium", you'll then have a detector combo for almost all situations (especially highly mineralized) including diving (nuggets/other). End of diatribe... Willy.? ? ? ? ? ?