I pulled the trigger some 4 or 5 years ago on my Titanium...and NEVER looked back. The light weight is worth every penny. I have logged over 1000 hours in the water both fresh and salt and have just begun to see some wear on the pointed tip. Since I bought mine they have added two more rods for just a little more belt and suspender ruggedness. I did add an aluminum grip from Canada... the one that came with my scoop gave up the ghost by over tightening to stop it from slipping. OH, and did I say the weight? Well the titanium was 5 pounds lighter than my previous scoop that was bought back in 1992 and had 4 or 5 different shafts over its lifetime. I still have it as my back-up. And for traveling, I bought the 3-piece travel handle. Pictures show a nylon spacer I made and added to relieve undo stress on the bolt's head. My original water scoop, on the right, had three replacement tips welded on. Enjoy! and May the ring of gold be in your ears and its glitter in your scoop! WaterWalker