🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Printing plate I.D.


San Diego Ring Finder
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Mar 16, 2011
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San Diego
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All Treasure Hunting
I found what I first thought was a clump of scrap, but, after cleaning up a bit, I think this is a lead allow or pewter printing plate fragment. Appears to be a bearded man's head wearing a hat. Almost a Dick Tracy look except for the beard. Probably not a cowboy hat....more like a fedora IMO. The words at the bottom appear to be Hewe(s?) (y?) and then AL(P?)I. and probably pat for patent above that. I tried to highlight the letters a bit with a Sharpie. Maybe the ALPI could be for Alpine, a town 1/2 hour away? The Hewes or Hewey is a mystery to me. Any ideas?

Looks like an old leather racing helmet, as to me it looks like ear flaps come down the side. But I could just be seeing things....

Mirrored the image for you.


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I think it might actually be Hawes or Hawey now that I look a bit closer.

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