Pre-Crime: TSA Now Spies On You 24/7 Even Before You Fly

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Pre-Crime: TSA Now Spies On You 24/7 Even Before You Fly

TSA grants itself authority to spy on citizens 24/7 even before you fly

Anthony Gucciardi
October 22, 2013

The Draconian groping measures instituted by the TSA inside United States airports is about to be trumped by an even greater spy assault on our rights outside of the airport. In fact, the TSA’s latest siege against the Bill of Rights involves the 24/7 tracking of citizens even before they enter the airport.

Under a new ‘security measure’ that the TSA has magically decided it has the authority to enact, it is ‘expanding its screening of passengers’ to include the systematic use of private and government databases in order to obtain more information on passengers. What that means is that the TSA can now access your car registration information, your employment information, and much more.

This means that TSA ‘agents’ with two weeks of training, the same ‘agents’ who we continually see arrested for perverted acts like the harboring of child porn, can now spy on you to even greater depths.

But don’t worry, the TSA says that they’re only spying on you to help keep you safe. It’s all about ‘security’. But even the mainstream media is being forced to call out the TSA lies thanks to the alternative news acting as a wrecking ball to the entire fairy tale that is the TSA. The New York Times reads:

“While the agency says that the goal is to streamline the security procedures for millions of passengers who pose no risk, the new measures give the government greater authority to use travelers’ data for domestic airport screenings. Previously that level of scrutiny applied only to individuals entering the United States.”

The fact of the matter is that unless we keep these blood sucking agencies like the TSA and DHS in check, they will continue to burn the Constitution and act against our best interests. We’ve already seen the establishment of Constitution-free zones, free speech zones, and other blatant attacks against the Constitution. If we fail to say ‘enough is enough’ to these vampiric entities, they will only continue to push their Big Daddy government agenda into our daily lives.


Anthony Gucciardi is a writer, analyst, and Founder of whose articles are routinely featured on top sites like Drudge Report and regularly appears on national and international television media.

This article was posted: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 12:29 pm

Tags: bill of rights, DHS, spying, tsa

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